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A pity your previous contribution to the list snowballed into an e-letterbomb scare.
Thanks a bunch for this writeup. When I read the articles out on technet and Oracle's home page about Oracle 9i, I was disappointed. Good to see there's more to the new version afterall.
I doubt that I'll stay up all night waiting for 9i as I did for Santa Claus. There was so much excitement in this list after Larry, in his postage stamp size streaming video screen dropped a java bean into the IFS. Will both people whose lives and careers have been changed forever by IFS please raise their hands?
DejaView is interesting. Convincing management to buy enough disk space and cpu so we can revist yesterday in one of our 24x7 online-to-the-internet databases might present a challange.
I worry about the Parallel Server hype. The 9i PR says that Oracle will be totally scalable
without having to partition data or applications. If you need more power, just add another
box. Cache Fusion takes care of it all. OK. cache fusion speeds things up tremendously.
But everything has a price. Unless Oracle hides so many sysstats that we won't be able to
tell, we're going to see bottlenecks and wonder what to do about them.
----- Original Message -----
From: Nobody Win <>
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L <>
Sent: Friday, November 03, 2000 11:40 PM
Subject: Soory For 9i
> Soory to all.
> This is the real Story of Oracle 9i.
Received on Sat Nov 04 2000 - 09:20:35 CST