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Hi All,
Does anyone out there know whether or not if 8.1.6 supports the ability to
a schema to point to more than one tablespace.
Let me give you an example.
dw_user wants to access Data Warehouse data on tablespace dw_tablespace dw_user also wants to access OLTP data on tablespace oltp_tablespace
user account: dw_user
can dw_user point to both of these tablespaces?
From: "Rao, Maheswara" <>
Date: Fri, 3 Nov 2000 18:40:03 -0500
Subject: RE: Why SQL%ROWCOUNT is returning 1 even when no records are foun
Thank you for taking time to answer the problem. I do agree with you on NO_DATA_FOUND clause and its actions in case of group functions. However, why SQL%ROWCOUNT is returning always 1 is not clear
-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Pall []
Sent: Friday, November 03, 2000 5:31 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
Subject: Re: Why SQL%ROWCOUNT is returning 1 even when no records are found
You are using it inappropriately here.
This is from the pl/sql reference: "SQL group functions such as AVG and SUM
always return a value or a null. So, a SELECT INTO statement that calls a
function will never raise NO_DATA_FOUND." So testing for %notfound won't
work either.
Looks like you'll have to change your query.
----- Original Message -----
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L <>
Received on Fri Nov 03 2000 - 17:36:53 CST