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RE: hmmm.....No.
Let's talk about electing a dead governor to the U.S. Senate.
The current, live governor says he'll appoint the deceased's wife in his =
(who has graciously accepted) if the deceased wins.
Let's talk about nuclear reactors on Mars, next! <G>
-----Original Message-----
From: Kirsh, Gary []
Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2000 2:59 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
Subject: RE: hmmm.....
I don't know how this thread got started, or where it's going, but =
since it showed up in my inbox, here's my $.02: Vouchers are a good =
start, but the real solution is no more public education. When did it =
become the government's job to run the schools? Did I miss that =
amendment to the constitution?
Gary Kirsh
Next Extent, Inc.
-----Original Message----- From: Mohan, Ross [] Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2000 1:26 PM To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L Subject: RE: hmmm..... I was thinking tshirt.=20 -----Original Message-----=20 From: Patrick Housholder []=20 Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2000 12:41 PM=20 To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L=20 Subject: RE: hmmm.....=20 ha...poster material!=20 Patrick=20
Patrick Housholder=20 Sr. Staff Programmer=20 United Airlines Flight Training Center=20 Denver CO=20 -----Original Message-----=20 Pierce=20 Sent: Thursday, October 26, 2000 7:20 PM=20 To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L=20 DT-=20 Great example of the elitist techno-engineer-purist mentality=20 (as opposed to the populist mass-market mentality)!=20 thanks,=20 ep=20 On 26 Oct 2000, at 16:50, Dennis Taylor wrote:=20 Date sent: Thu, 26 Oct 2000 16:50:37 -0800=20 To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L =<>=20
> A little rude, but it rings a bell....=20 >=20 > ---=20 lf from "white privilege"=20 Date sent: Thu, 26 Oct 2000 17:05:15 -0700=20 Juan,=20 I've long enjoyed your public radio work, and especially enjoy it=20 when you say "hold on a second", then use pithy questions to = unravel the=20 illogic of a spinmeister, or deflate some bag of hot air that you = are=20 interviewing.=20 Leftist establishmentarians, at least those wrapped in the = hypnotic=20 cocoon of their own lack of rational and spiritual = self-examination, are=20 desperately frightened that the people (as in "of the, by the, for = the")=20 are going to be liberated from the monopoly that the liberal = cliques have=20 built within public education. The proverbial emperor is about to = be seen=20 as having little or no clothing.=20 (see ,=20 = ,=20 ---=20 excerpt:=20 Book Description=20 Two of America's leading political sociologists explore a=20 phenomenon of American political exceptionalism: the failure of = the socialist movement in the United States. Parties calling=20 themselves Socialist, Social-Democratic, Labor, or Communist = have=20 been major forces in every democratic country in the world, yet = they have played a surprisingly insignificant role in American=20 politics. Why the United States, the most developed capitalist=20 industrial society and hence, ostensibly, fertile ground for=20 socialism, should constitute an exception has been a critical=20 question of American history and political development. In this = probing work the authors draw on rich contrasts with other=20 English-speaking countries and extensive comparisons within the = United States at the state and city levels, eschewing = conventional=20 explanations of socialism's demise to present a fuller = understanding of=20 how multiple factors--political structure, American values, and = the=20 split between the Socialist party and mainstream = unions--combined to=20 seal socialism's fate. Further chapters examine the distinctive = character of American trade unions, immigration and the = fragmentation=20 of the American working class, socialist strategies, and = repression,=20 concluding with a penetrating analysis of American political=20 exceptionalism up to the present day.=20 ---=20 = ,=20 )=20 My wife (a spanish national of the minority catalan ethnic group)=20 recently pointed out to me that even though the spanish political=20 system was dominated by socialism for over a decade, they have a = very=20 effective school voucher program there.=20 As a progressive-populist from a liberal background, I've become=20 rapidly disillusioned with the propaganda of (anti-religious) = liberal=20 extremists as the educational testing & voucher debate unfolds.=20 Paradoxically, as a member of what is called the "religious left", = I end=20 up having to support, on principle, the conservative elements of = religious=20 life in american society due to the prejudices of leftists and =liberals.=20
When one of your guests says that the voucher movement is = dangerous=20
because it is seeking a "beach head" for conservatism in the=20 inner-city/minority communities that are the most dissatisfied = with=20 the performance of the public education system, I am amazed and=20 disgusted by the liberal bias. As some of the public participants = on your=20 program noted, the liberal academic on your panel seems to have = come from=20 another planet than the one inhabited by actual parents and =teachers.=20
In the "real world", the public education system has *long* been a =
"beach head", and more, for a failed, dysfunctional = leftist-socialist=20
agenda. I seems extremely ironic that educational leftism has = ended up as=20
a vestige of white privilege which is promoted primarily, but not=20 exclusively, by white suburbanites!=20 Inner cities are an unpleasant reminder of the failures of social- = engineering programs that are based on leftist ideology. It is=20 amazing how the (supposed) "academic" apologists for the elitist=20 liberal public education "agenda" are incapable of taking=20 responsibility for the moral, ethical, philosophical and practical = failures of their ideology. The cynical political calculus they=20 promote contains a subtext indicating that as long as the dominant = culture in the suburbs can send its kids to public schools that = are=20 "good enough", we can let the "unworthy" people in inner cities = rot=20 under decrepit pubic education systems, while simultaneously=20 overlooking the highly unprincipled exclusion of conservatives and = religious perspectives from the democratic processes involving = public=20 education.=20 Liberal social engineering programs are premised on the idea that = a=20 liberal "elite" (which is really an atheist priesthood), supported = by=20 public funding, will dictate an "enlightened" ideology to the =masses.=20
No wonder parents and community don't want to participate more in=20 public education. Why would people want to conform to the=20 dysfunctional power arrangements implied in the politics of public = education?=20 The arrogance of the "experts" (such as your guest), that come out = of=20 liberal academia becomes all the more obvious when it becomes = apparent=20 that they think the deception and lies that they have been long = advocating=20 are going to be swallowed by the people for much longer. The = assumption=20 that they can keep deceiving people about the glaring conflict of = interest=20 they have in maintaining the bureaucracy by using specialized = terminology=20 and "research" (frequently just obscurantist, fashionable = nonsense) is=20 incredible.=20 The supposedly "enlightened" liberal ideology contains a = "dangerous" form=20 of quasi-atheism, at least to the extent that it is *silently* = premised on=20 excluding religion from public life.=20 The *real* "great danger" is that the bureaucratic dictatorship = that=20 leftists and liberals have tried to establish in education and = social work=20 for several generations may actually be scrutinized by the people = in terms=20 of its moral, ethical and practical failures. *Of course* allowing = more=20 families to take their own tax dollars back in order to = participate in=20 private (or religious) schools is a giant threat to the liberal=20 establishment's power structure.=20 Conservative perspectives uphold the need for ethical/spiritual=20 values in *public* life. Leftist establishmentarian perspectives = tend to=20 be hostile to the idea that "diversity" should include tolerance = of even=20 the suggestion that religious values can play a creative, dynamic = role in=20 *public* life.=20 A spiritually maturing society that seeks love, healing,=20 transformation, atonement, redemption and enlightenment through=20 nearness to "the sacred" doesn't need to be coddled by elitist = pseudo-=20 scientific "experts" and all the incompetent bureaucrats and = corrupt=20 politicians bobbing in their philosophical wake.=20 Its time to let *true* democracy work. If that means that the = people will=20 have to be trusted with responsibility, and that the dictatorial = liberal=20 bureaucrats will have to let the people find out if alternatives = work or=20 not, so be it. I would much rather allow a diverse range of = education=20 options and experiments (including those that are supportive of=20 educational perspectives framed in terms of conservative and = religious=20 values), than see the corruption involved in liberal public = education=20 continue, unexamined.=20 Warm regards,=20 Eric D. Pierce=20 Database Analyst=20 California State Univeristy, Sacramento=20 ------------------------------------------------------=20 web references:=20 -=20 ----=20
( )=20 -=20
= -=20
= -=20
= -=20 = -=20
= -=20
= -=20
= -=20
----=20 = excerpt:=20 ...=20 ORLANDO PATTERSON: ... the situation itself is one in which there = is not=20 a simple movement, harmonious movement. There is a change-- = positive=20 change is always accompanied by friction; however, our perception = of=20 what's happening is also paradoxical in the sense that both the = right and=20 the left, as well as the Afro-American leadership, all have strong = interest in perceiving the situation as in negative terms.=20 DAVID GERGEN: Tell me more about that. That's really--=20 ORLANDO PATTERSON: Well, for the right wants to castigate the=20 government for the failures of its--all its programs on behalf of = the=20 poor, the Afro-American poor. It makes sense they exaggerate the = problem=20 to show how we're losing ground because of the horrendous = government=20 interference in policies, so that welfare dependency and so on is=20 increasing and it's increasing because of rotten government = policies. For=20 the left, the liberal group, exaggerating the problem, emphasizing = that=20 America is chronically racist seems--is mistakenly believed that = this will=20 keep the pressure up for government to intervene even more. And = the=20 criticism here is just the opposite of the right, which is that = things are=20 bad because the government hasn't gone far enough, or there's = still, the=20 place is still chronically racist, so there's still a need for = more=20 government intervention.=20 And for Afro-American leadership emphasizing racism as = being--America as=20 irredeemably racist--enhances their broker role, obviously, and = again=20 mistakenly is based on the view that by presenting an image of = almost no=20 progress, you will increase the possibility of greater = intervention. And=20 it's also partly due to the tragic commitment to the ideology of = the=20 victim, a very deterministic view, which I'm afraid most = Afro-American=20 leadership has adopted, which tends to assume that by perceiving = of=20 Afro-Americans as victims you increase the chance of intervention = on their=20 behalf. Now, unfortunately, this worked. This is the strategy of = the 60's.=20 It's interesting that the great Supreme Court decision, which = struck down=20 school segregation, was based on a determinist view, i.e., social=20 scientists were brought in to show that it created victims, rather = than=20 the view that this is the right thing to do. ...=20 ----=20 -=20 -=20 (Robert Reich's web site:)=20 -=20 Robert Reich on "Progressive Vouchers":=20 -=20
misc stuff:=20 -=20 -=20 -=20 5-10-00=20 In a city very familiar with the squabble that accompanies=20 education policy, Boston is an appropriate setting for Judy=20 Burnette, an 11-year veteran of the parent choice movement. As=20 Program Development Coordinator for Northeastern University's=20 Urban Law and Public Policy Institute (ULPPI), Burnette's voice=20 joins a growing faction of minorities who support parent choice=20 reforms like school vouchers, although the "face" of the voucher = movement still tends to be white, upper-class, religious=20 conservatives. "People will say to me, 'How can you be black and = support vouchers?'" Burnette says. "But the real goal should be=20 high-quality education, however it can happen." by Maggie Adams=20 (more info similar to the above):=20 [note: { } "Reason = magazine...makes=20 the best case for practical libertarianism. Well-written and -=20 researched articles delve into the specifics of economics and=20 politics, offering alternatives and critiques."=20 - The Millennium Whole Earth Catalog=20 ]=20 and: (the list of below links is from:=20 )=20 "City Schools and City Politics:=20 Institutions and Leadership in=20 Pittsburgh, Boston, and St. Louis":=20 "Savage Inequalities":=20 W.J. Wilson:=20
=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=20 -=20 -------(linked from EPN) anti-voucher stuff:=20 -=20 (black activist accuses white pro-voucher conservatives of = hijacking the=20 issues:)=20
------------------------=20 technology and education reform (Bob Metcalf):=20 =
--=20 Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ: --=20 Author: Eric D. Pierce=20 INET: Fat City Network Services -- (858) 538-5051 FAX: (858) = 538-5051=20 San Diego, California -- Public Internet access / Mailing = Lists=20subscribing).=20
--------------------------------------------------------------------=20 To REMOVE yourself from this mailing list, send an E-Mail message=20 to: (note EXACT spelling of 'ListGuru') and = in=20 the message BODY, include a line containing: UNSUB ORACLE-L=20 (or the name of mailing list you want to be removed from). You = may=20 also send the HELP command for other information (like =
--=20 Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ: --=20 Author: Patrick Housholder=20 INET: Fat City Network Services -- (858) 538-5051 FAX: (858) = 538-5051=20 San Diego, California -- Public Internet access / Mailing = Lists=20subscribing).=20
--------------------------------------------------------------------=20 To REMOVE yourself from this mailing list, send an E-Mail message=20 to: (note EXACT spelling of 'ListGuru') and = in=20 the message BODY, include a line containing: UNSUB ORACLE-L=20 (or the name of mailing list you want to be removed from). You = may=20 also send the HELP command for other information (like =
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<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <HTML><HEAD><TITLE>RE: hmmm.....</TITLE> <META content=3D"text/html; charset=3Diso-8859-1" =http-equiv=3DContent-Type>
<META content=3D"MSHTML 5.00.2314.1000" name=3DGENERATOR> <STYLE></STYLE> </HEAD> <BODY bgColor=3D#ffffff> <DIV><FONT size=3D2>No.</FONT></DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV><FONT size=3D2>Let's talk about electing a dead governor to the =U.S.=20
<DIV style=3D"FONT: 10pt arial"><B>Subject:</B> RE: hmmm.....</DIV> <DIV><BR></DIV> <DIV><SPAN class=3D222464620-31102000><FONT color=3D#0000ff =face=3DArial=20
Tuesday, October 31, 2000 2:59 PM<BR><B>To:</B> Multiple recipients = of list=20
ORACLE-L<BR><B>Subject:</B> RE: hmmm.....<BR><BR></FONT></DIV> <DIV><SPAN class=3D628514619-31102000><FONT color=3D#0000ff = face=3DArial=20
<DIV><SPAN class=3D628514619-31102000><FONT color=3D#0000ff =
size=3D2></FONT></SPAN> </DIV>
<DIV><SPAN class=3D628514619-31102000><FONT color=3D#0000ff =
face=3DArial size=3D2>I=20
don't know how this thread got started, or where it's going, but = since it=20
showed up in my inbox, here's my $.02: Vouchers are a good = start, but=20
the real solution is no more public education. When did it = become the=20
government's job to run the schools? Did I miss that amendment = to the=20
<DIV><SPAN class=3D628514619-31102000><FONT color=3D#0000ff =
size=3D2></FONT></SPAN> </DIV>
<DIV><SPAN class=3D628514619-31102000><FONT color=3D#0000ff =
<DIV><SPAN class=3D628514619-31102000><FONT color=3D#0000ff =
size=3D2></FONT></SPAN> </DIV>
<DIV><SPAN class=3D628514619-31102000><FONT color=3D#0000ff =
size=3D2>Gary Kirsh</FONT></SPAN></DIV> <DIV><SPAN class=3D628514619-31102000><FONT color=3D#0000ff = face=3DArial=20
size=3D2>Next Extent, Inc.</FONT></SPAN></DIV> <BLOCKQUOTE dir=3Dltr style=3D"MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px"> <DIV align=3Dleft class=3DOutlookMessageHeader dir=3Dltr><FONT = face=3DTahoma=20
size=3D2>-----Original Message-----<BR><B>From:</B> Mohan, Ross=20 []<BR><B>Sent:</B> Tuesday, October 31, = 2000=20 1:26 PM<BR><B>To:</B> Multiple recipients of list=20 ORACLE-L<BR><B>Subject:</B> RE: hmmm.....<BR><BR></FONT></DIV> <P><FONT size=3D2>I was thinking tshirt.</FONT> </P> <P><FONT size=3D2>-----Original Message-----</FONT> <BR><FONT = size=3D2>From:=20 Patrick Housholder [<A=20
<BR><FONT size=3D2>Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2000 12:41 PM</FONT> = <BR><FONT=20
size=3D2>To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L</FONT> <BR><FONT =
size=3D2>Subject: RE: hmmm.....</FONT> </P><BR> <P><FONT size=3D2>ha...poster material!</FONT> </P> <P><FONT size=3D2>Patrick</FONT> </P> <P><FONT =
size=3D2>Patrick Housholder</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2>Sr. Staff=20 Programmer</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2>United Airlines Flight = Training=20 Center</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2>Denver CO</FONT> </P><BR> <P><FONT size=3D2>-----Original Message-----</FONT> <BR><FONT=20 size=3D2>Pierce</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2>Sent: Thursday, October = 26, 2000=20 7:20 PM</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2>To: Multiple recipients of list=20 ORACLE-L</FONT> </P><BR> <P><FONT size=3D2>DT-</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2>Great example of = the elitist=20 techno-engineer-purist mentality</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2>(as = opposed to=20 the populist mass-market mentality)!</FONT> <BR><FONT=20 size=3D2>thanks,</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2>ep</FONT> </P> <P><FONT size=3D2>On 26 Oct 2000, at 16:50, Dennis Taylor = wrote:</FONT> </P> <P><FONT size=3D2>Date sent: =20 Thu, 26 Oct 2000 = 16:50:37=20 -0800</FONT> <BR><FONT=20
Multiple recipients of = list=20
ORACLE-L <></FONT> </P> <P><FONT size=3D2>> A little rude, but it rings a = bell....</FONT>=20 <BR><FONT size=3D2>></FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2>> <A=20 href=3D""=20 target=3D_blank></A></FONT> </P> <P><FONT size=3D2>---</FONT> </P><BR> <P><FONT size=3D2>lf from "white privilege"</FONT> <BR><FONT = size=3D2>Date=20 sent: =20 Thu, 26 Oct 2000 = 17:05:15=20 -0700</FONT> </P> <P><FONT size=3D2></FONT> </P> <P><FONT size=3D2>Juan,</FONT> </P> <P><FONT size=3D2>I've long enjoyed your public radio work, and = especially=20 enjoy it</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2>when you say "hold on a = second", then use=20 pithy questions to unravel the</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2>illogic = of a=20 spinmeister, or deflate some bag of hot air that you are</FONT> = <BR><FONT=20 size=3D2>interviewing.</FONT> </P> <P><FONT size=3D2>Leftist establishmentarians, at least those = wrapped in the=20 hypnotic</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2>cocoon of their own lack of = rational and=20 spiritual self-examination, are</FONT> <BR><FONT = size=3D2>desperately=20 frightened that the people (as in "of the, by the, for = the")</FONT>=20 <BR><FONT size=3D2>are going to be liberated from the monopoly = that the=20 liberal cliques have</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2>built within public = education. The proverbial emperor is about to be seen</FONT> = <BR><FONT=20 size=3D2>as having little or no clothing.</FONT> </P> <P><FONT size=3D2>(see <A=20 href=3D""=20
<BR><FONT size=3D2><A=20
,</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2>---</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2><A=20 href=3D""=20
</P> <P><FONT size=3D2>excerpt:</FONT> </P> <P><FONT size=3D2> Book Description</FONT> </P> <P><FONT size=3D2> Two of America's leading political=20 sociologists explore a</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2> = phenomenon of=20 American political exceptionalism: the failure of</FONT> <BR><FONT = size=3D2> the socialist movement in the United States. = Parties=20 calling</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2> themselves = Socialist,=20 Social-Democratic, Labor, or Communist have</FONT> <BR><FONT=20 size=3D2> been major forces in every democratic = country in the=20 world, yet</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2> they have played = a=20 surprisingly insignificant role in American</FONT> <BR><FONT=20 size=3D2> politics. Why the United States, the most = developed=20 capitalist</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2> industrial = society and=20 hence, ostensibly, fertile ground for</FONT> <BR><FONT = size=3D2> =20 socialism, should constitute an exception has been a = critical</FONT>=20 <BR><FONT size=3D2> question of American history and = political=20 development. In this</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2> = probing work the=20 authors draw on rich contrasts with other</FONT> <BR><FONT=20 size=3D2> English-speaking countries and extensive = comparisons=20 within the</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2> United States at = the state=20 and city levels, eschewing conventional</FONT> <BR><FONT=20 size=3D2> explanations of socialism's demise to = present a fuller=20 understanding of</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2> how = multiple=20 factors--political structure, American values, and the</FONT> = <BR><FONT=20 size=3D2> split between the Socialist party and = mainstream=20 unions--combined to</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2> seal = socialism's=20 fate. Further chapters examine the distinctive</FONT> <BR><FONT=20 size=3D2> character of American trade unions, = immigration and=20 the fragmentation</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2> of the = American=20 working class, socialist strategies, and repression,</FONT> = <BR><FONT=20 size=3D2> concluding with a penetrating analysis of = American=20 political</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2> exceptionalism up = to the=20 present day.</FONT> </P> <P><FONT size=3D2>---</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2><A=20
,</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2><A=20 href=3D""=20
target=3D_blank></A>=20 )</FONT> </P> <P><FONT size=3D2>My wife (a spanish national of the minority = catalan ethnic=20 group)</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2>recently pointed out to me that = even though=20 the spanish political</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2>system was = dominated by=20 socialism for over a decade, they have a very</FONT> <BR><FONT=20 size=3D2>effective school voucher program there.</FONT> </P> <P><FONT size=3D2>As a progressive-populist from a liberal = background, I've=20 become</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2>rapidly disillusioned with the = propaganda=20 of (anti-religious) liberal</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2>extremists = as the=20 educational testing & voucher debate unfolds.</FONT> <BR><FONT = size=3D2>Paradoxically, as a member of what is called the = "religious left",=20 I end</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2>up having to support, on = principle, the=20 conservative elements of religious</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2>life = in=20 american society due to the prejudices of leftists and = liberals.</FONT>=20 </P> <P><FONT size=3D2>When one of your guests says that the voucher = movement is=20 dangerous</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2>because it is seeking a "beach = head" for=20 conservatism in the</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2>inner-city/minority=20 communities that are the most dissatisfied with</FONT> <BR><FONT=20 size=3D2>the performance of the public education system, I am = amazed=20 and</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2>disgusted by the liberal bias. As = some of the=20 public participants on your</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2>program = noted, the=20 liberal academic on your panel seems to have come from</FONT> = <BR><FONT=20 size=3D2>another planet than the one inhabited by actual parents = and=20 teachers.</FONT> </P> <P><FONT size=3D2>In the "real world", the public education system = has=20 *long* been a</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2>"beach head", and more, = for a=20 failed, dysfunctional leftist-socialist</FONT> <BR><FONT = size=3D2>agenda. I=20 seems extremely ironic that educational leftism has ended up = as</FONT>=20 <BR><FONT size=3D2>a vestige of white privilege which is promoted = primarily,=20 but not</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2>exclusively, by white = suburbanites!</FONT>=20 </P> <P><FONT size=3D2>Inner cities are an unpleasant reminder of the = failures of=20 social-</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2>engineering programs that are = based on=20 leftist ideology. It is</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2>amazing how the = (supposed)=20 "academic" apologists for the elitist</FONT> <BR><FONT = size=3D2>liberal=20 public education "agenda" are incapable of taking</FONT> <BR><FONT = size=3D2>responsibility for the moral, ethical, philosophical and=20 practical</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2>failures of their ideology. = The cynical=20 political calculus they</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2>promote contains = a subtext=20 indicating that as long as the dominant</FONT> <BR><FONT = size=3D2>culture in=20 the suburbs can send its kids to public schools that are</FONT> = <BR><FONT=20 size=3D2>"good enough", we can let the "unworthy" people in inner = cities=20 rot</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2>under decrepit pubic education = systems, while=20 simultaneously</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2>overlooking the highly = unprincipled=20 exclusion of conservatives and</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2>religious = perspectives from the democratic processes involving public</FONT> = <BR><FONT size=3D2>education.</FONT> </P> <P><FONT size=3D2>Liberal social engineering programs are premised = on the=20 idea that a</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2>liberal "elite" (which is = really an=20 atheist priesthood), supported by</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2>public = funding,=20 will dictate an "enlightened" ideology to the masses.</FONT> </P> <P><FONT size=3D2>No wonder parents and community don't want to = participate=20 more in</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2>public education. Why would = people want to=20 conform to the</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2>dysfunctional power = arrangements=20 implied in the politics of public</FONT> <BR><FONT=20 size=3D2>education?</FONT> </P> <P><FONT size=3D2>The arrogance of the "experts" (such as your = guest), that=20 come out of</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2>liberal academia becomes all = the more=20 obvious when it becomes apparent</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2>that = they think=20 the deception and lies that they have been long advocating</FONT>=20 <BR><FONT size=3D2>are going to be swallowed by the people for = much longer.=20 The assumption</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2>that they can keep = deceiving people=20 about the glaring conflict of interest</FONT> <BR><FONT = size=3D2>they have=20 in maintaining the bureaucracy by using specialized = terminology</FONT>=20 <BR><FONT size=3D2>and "research" (frequently just obscurantist, = fashionable=20 nonsense) is</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2>incredible.</FONT> </P> <P><FONT size=3D2>The supposedly "enlightened" liberal ideology = contains a=20 "dangerous" form</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2>of quasi-atheism, at = least to the=20 extent that it is *silently* premised on</FONT> <BR><FONT = size=3D2>excluding=20 religion from public life.</FONT> </P> <P><FONT size=3D2>The *real* "great danger" is that the = bureaucratic=20 dictatorship that</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2>leftists and liberals = have tried=20 to establish in education and social work</FONT> <BR><FONT = size=3D2>for=20 several generations may actually be scrutinized by the people in=20 terms</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2>of its moral, ethical and = practical=20 failures. *Of course* allowing more</FONT> <BR><FONT = size=3D2>families to=20 take their own tax dollars back in order to participate in</FONT>=20 <BR><FONT size=3D2>private (or religious) schools is a giant = threat to the=20 liberal</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2>establishment's power = structure.</FONT>=20 </P> <P><FONT size=3D2>Conservative perspectives uphold the need for=20 ethical/spiritual</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2>values in *public* = life. Leftist=20 establishmentarian perspectives tend to</FONT> <BR><FONT = size=3D2>be hostile=20 to the idea that "diversity" should include tolerance of = even</FONT>=20 <BR><FONT size=3D2>the suggestion that religious values can play a = creative,=20 dynamic role in</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2>*public* life.</FONT> = </P> <P><FONT size=3D2>A spiritually maturing society that seeks love,=20 healing,</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2>transformation, atonement, = redemption and=20 enlightenment through</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2>nearness to "the = sacred"=20 doesn't need to be coddled by elitist pseudo-</FONT> <BR><FONT=20 size=3D2>scientific "experts" and all the incompetent bureaucrats = and=20 corrupt</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2>politicians bobbing in their = philosophical=20 wake.</FONT> </P> <P><FONT size=3D2>Its time to let *true* democracy work. If that = means that=20 the people will</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2>have to be trusted with=20 responsibility, and that the dictatorial liberal</FONT> <BR><FONT=20 size=3D2>bureaucrats will have to let the people find out if = alternatives=20 work or</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2>not, so be it. I would much = rather allow a=20 diverse range of education</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2>options and = experiments=20 (including those that are supportive of</FONT> <BR><FONT=20 size=3D2>educational perspectives framed in terms of conservative = and=20 religious</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2>values), than see the = corruption=20 involved in liberal public education</FONT> <BR><FONT = size=3D2>continue,=20 unexamined.</FONT> </P> <P><FONT size=3D2>Warm regards,</FONT> </P> <P><FONT size=3D2>Eric D. Pierce</FONT> <BR><FONT = size=3D2>Database=20 Analyst</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2>California State Univeristy,=20 Sacramento</FONT> </P> <P><FONT=20
size=3D2>------------------------------------------------------</FONT> = </P> <P><FONT size=3D2>web references:</FONT> </P> <P><FONT size=3D2><A href=3D""=20 target=3D_blank></A></FONT> = <BR><FONT=20 size=3D2>-</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2><A=20 href=3D""=20 target=3D_blank></A></FONT> = </P> <P><FONT size=3D2>----</FONT> </P> <P><FONT size=3D2><A=20
</P> <P><FONT size=3D2>( <A=20 href=3D""=20
<BR><FONT size=3D2>-</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2><A=20
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<BR><FONT size=3D2>-</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2><A=20
<BR><FONT size=3D2>-</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2><A=20
</P> <P><FONT size=3D2>-</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2><A=20
<BR><FONT size=3D2>-</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2><A=20
target=3D_blank> erg_0200.html</A></FONT>=20 <BR><FONT size=3D2>-</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2><A=20
<BR><FONT size=3D2>-</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2><A=20
</P> <P><FONT size=3D2>----</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2><A=20
</P> <P><FONT size=3D2>excerpt:</FONT> </P> <P><FONT size=3D2>...</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2>ORLANDO PATTERSON: = ... =20 the situation itself is one in which there is not</FONT> <BR><FONT = size=3D2>a simple movement, harmonious movement. There is a = change--=20 positive</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2>change is always accompanied by = friction;=20 however, our perception of</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2>what's = happening is=20 also paradoxical in the sense that both the right and</FONT> = <BR><FONT=20 size=3D2>the left, as well as the Afro-American leadership, all = have=20 strong</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2>interest in perceiving the = situation as in=20 negative terms.</FONT> </P> <P><FONT size=3D2>DAVID GERGEN: Tell me more about that. That's=20 really--</FONT> </P> <P><FONT size=3D2>ORLANDO PATTERSON: Well, for the right wants to = castigate=20 the</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2>government for the failures of = its--all its=20 programs on behalf of the</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2>poor, the = Afro-American=20 poor. It makes sense they exaggerate the problem</FONT> <BR><FONT=20 size=3D2>to show how we're losing ground because of the horrendous = government</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2>interference in policies, so = that=20 welfare dependency and so on is</FONT> <BR><FONT = size=3D2>increasing and=20 it's increasing because of rotten government policies. For</FONT>=20 <BR><FONT size=3D2>the left, the liberal group, exaggerating the = problem,=20 emphasizing that</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2>America is chronically = racist=20 seems--is mistakenly believed that this will</FONT> <BR><FONT = size=3D2>keep=20 the pressure up for government to intervene even more. And = the</FONT>=20 <BR><FONT size=3D2>criticism here is just the opposite of the = right, which=20 is that things are</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2>bad because the = government=20 hasn't gone far enough, or there's still, the</FONT> <BR><FONT=20 size=3D2>place is still chronically racist, so there's still a = need for=20 more</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2>government intervention.</FONT> = </P> <P><FONT size=3D2>And for Afro-American leadership emphasizing = racism as=20 being--America as</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2>irredeemably = racist--enhances=20 their broker role, obviously, and again</FONT> <BR><FONT = size=3D2>mistakenly=20 is based on the view that by presenting an image of almost = no</FONT>=20 <BR><FONT size=3D2>progress, you will increase the possibility of = greater=20 intervention. And</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2>it's also partly due = to the=20 tragic commitment to the ideology of the</FONT> <BR><FONT = size=3D2>victim, a=20 very deterministic view, which I'm afraid most = Afro-American</FONT>=20 <BR><FONT size=3D2>leadership has adopted, which tends to assume = that by=20 perceiving of</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2>Afro-Americans as victims = you=20 increase the chance of intervention on their</FONT> <BR><FONT=20 size=3D2>behalf. Now, unfortunately, this worked. This is the = strategy of=20 the 60's.</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2>It's interesting that the = great Supreme=20 Court decision, which struck down</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2>school = segregation, was based on a determinist view, i.e., social</FONT>=20 <BR><FONT size=3D2>scientists were brought in to show that it = created=20 victims, rather than</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2>the view that this = is the=20 right thing to do. ...</FONT> </P> <P><FONT size=3D2>----</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2><A=20 href=3D""=20
target=3D_blank></A></FONT>=20 <BR><FONT size=3D2>-</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2><A=20 href=3D""=20 target=3D_blank></A></FONT> <BR><FONT = size=3D2>-</FONT>=20 <BR><FONT size=3D2>(Robert Reich's web site:)</FONT> </P> <P><FONT size=3D2><A = href=3D""=20 target=3D_blank></A></FONT> = <BR><FONT=20 size=3D2>-</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2><A=20 href=3D""=20 target=3D_blank></A></FONT> = </P> <P><FONT size=3D2>Robert Reich on "Progressive Vouchers":</FONT> = </P> <P><FONT size=3D2> <A=20 href=3D"" =
<BR><FONT size=3D2> -</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2> <A=20 href=3D""=20
</P> <P><FONT size=3D2>=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D</FONT> = <BR><FONT size=3D2> misc=20 stuff:</FONT> </P> <P><FONT size=3D2> <A=20
</P> <P><FONT size=3D2> <A href=3D"" = target=3D_blank></A></FONT> <BR><FONT = size=3D2> -</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2> <A=20 href=3D""=20
target=3D_blank></A></FONT>=20 <BR><FONT size=3D2> -</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2> <A=20 href=3D""=20
</P> <P><FONT size=3D2> <A=20 href=3D""=20
<BR><FONT size=3D2> -</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2> <A=20 href=3D""=20
</P> <P><FONT size=3D2> 5-10-00</FONT> </P> <P><FONT size=3D2> In a city very familiar with the squabble = that=20 accompanies</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2> education policy, = Boston is an=20 appropriate setting for Judy</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2> = Burnette, an=20 11-year veteran of the parent choice movement. As</FONT> <BR><FONT = size=3D2> Program Development Coordinator for Northeastern=20 University's</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2> Urban Law and Public = Policy=20 Institute (ULPPI), Burnette's voice</FONT> <BR><FONT = size=3D2> joins a=20 growing faction of minorities who support parent choice</FONT> = <BR><FONT=20 size=3D2> reforms like school vouchers, although the "face" = of the=20 voucher</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2> movement still tends to = be white,=20 upper-class, religious</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2> = conservatives.=20 "People will say to me, 'How can you be black and</FONT> <BR><FONT = size=3D2> support vouchers?'" Burnette says. "But the real = goal should=20 be</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2> high-quality education, = however it can=20 happen." by Maggie Adams</FONT> </P> <P><FONT size=3D2> (more info similar to the above):</FONT> = </P> <P><FONT size=3D2> <A = href=3D""=20 target=3D_blank></A></FONT> = </P> <P><FONT size=3D2> [note: { <A = href=3D""=20 target=3D_blank></A> } "Reason=20 magazine...makes</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2> the best = case for=20 practical libertarianism. Well-written and -</FONT> <BR><FONT=20 size=3D2> researched articles delve into the specifics = of=20 economics and</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2> politics, = offering=20 alternatives and critiques."</FONT> <BR><FONT = size=3D2> - The=20 Millennium Whole Earth Catalog</FONT> <BR><FONT = size=3D2> <A=20 href=3D""=20 target=3D_blank></A> ]</FONT> = </P> <P><FONT size=3D2> and: <A=20 href=3D""=20
</P> <P><FONT size=3D2> (the list of below links is = from:</FONT>=20 <BR><FONT size=3D2> <A=20 href=3D""=20 target=3D_blank></A> = )</FONT> </P> <P><FONT size=3D2> "City Schools and City = Politics:</FONT>=20 <BR><FONT size=3D2> Institutions and = Leadership=20 in</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2> Pittsburgh, = Boston,=20 and St. Louis":</FONT> </P> <P><FONT size=3D2> <A=20 href=3D""=20
<P><FONT size=3D2> "Savage Inequalities":</FONT> = </P>
<P><FONT size=3D2> <A=20 href=3D""=20
<P><FONT size=3D2> W.J. Wilson:</FONT> = </P>
<P><FONT size=3D2> <A=20 href=3D""=20
<P><FONT size=3D2>=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D</FONT> </P> <P><FONT size=3D2><A=20
<BR><FONT size=3D2>-</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2><A=20 href=3D""=20 target=3D_blank></A></FONT> </P> <P><FONT size=3D2>-------(linked from EPN) anti-voucher = stuff:</FONT> </P> <P><FONT size=3D2><A=20 href=3D""=20
pro-voucher conservatives of hijacking the</FONT> <BR><FONT=20 size=3D2>issues:)</FONT> </P> <P><FONT size=3D2><A=20
</P><BR> <P><FONT size=3D2>------------------------</FONT> </P> <P><FONT size=3D2>technology and education reform (Bob = Metcalf):</FONT> </P> <P><FONT size=3D2><A href=3D""=20 target=3D_blank></A></FONT> </P> <P><FONT size=3D2> <A=20
</P> <P><FONT size=3D2> <A=20
</P> <P><FONT size=3D2>---end---</FONT> </P> <P><FONT size=3D2>--</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2>Please see the = official=20 ORACLE-L FAQ: <A href=3D""=20 target=3D_blank></A></FONT> <BR><FONT = size=3D2>--</FONT>=20 <BR><FONT size=3D2>Author: Eric D. Pierce</FONT> <BR><FONT = size=3D2> =20 INET:</FONT> </P> <P><FONT size=3D2>Fat City Network Services -- = (858)=20 538-5051 FAX: (858) 538-5051</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2>San = Diego,=20 California -- Public = Internet=20 access / Mailing Lists</FONT> <BR><FONT=20information (like=20 Received on Tue Oct 31 2000 - 15:32:54 CST
size=3D2>----------------------------------------------------------------= ----</FONT>=20 <BR><FONT size=3D2>To REMOVE yourself from this mailing list, send = an E-Mail=20 message</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2>to: (note = EXACT=20 spelling of 'ListGuru') and in</FONT> <BR><FONT size=3D2>the = message BODY,=20 include a line containing: UNSUB ORACLE-L</FONT> <BR><FONT = size=3D2>(or the=20 name of mailing list you want to be removed from). You = may</FONT>=20 <BR><FONT size=3D2>also send the HELP command for other =