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Re: not sure it's legal, but...

From: Eric D. Pierce <>
Date: Mon, 30 Oct 2000 19:40:53 -0800
Message-Id: <>

On 29 Oct 2000, at 4:35, Shevtsov Eduard wrote:

Date sent:      	Sun, 29 Oct 2000 04:35:24 -0800
To:             	Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L <>
From:           	"Shevtsov Eduard" <>
Subject:        	Re: not sure it's legal, but...

> Yes, you are right. I believe the source isn't legal.

I'm not sure at all, just wanted to give a warning about people depending on something that might go away if some lawyers started making trouble.

>The main problem is
> that the most of the russian programmers, dbas, etc can't afford to buy
> legal computer books with price about $50. The salary isn't comparable with
> other world.

Completely understandable, and it actually benfits people over here in marginal economic positions, eg, students, beginners, people changing skills platforms, and so forth.

> BTW the same reason is why it is profitable now to create computer companies
> in the countries like Russia and India

There are some large commercial computer projects going on here I've heard about that are hiring russians and ukrainians (etc.) under near "sweatshop" conditions (given their skills). Of course some of the problem is the bewildering differences of living in an very complex anglo-capitalist system where the dominant value system is based on moral individualism. The cultural assumptions of the US bureaucracy and the private sector are probably hard for people educated/socialized in more communitarian societies to understand, at least at first. This tends to lead to "hidden" enclaves of immigrants, whose living and work conditions might be considered to be exploitative.

I personally am happy that immigrants are making great contributions in the computer industry and helping keep the USA economy afloat.

best wishes,

> > > eg, sure to delight all unix dbas, a "3 week" tutorial for Oracle8 on
> NT:
> > >
> > >
> >
> > Seems like an electronic copy of a SAMS book that predates the official
> > release of Oracle 8 (not even 8i!). Legal? Hmm...
> >
> > --
> > Author: John Kanagaraj
> > INET:
> >

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Received on Mon Oct 30 2000 - 21:40:53 CST

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