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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: Boy am I lucky or what?
REUSE your hardware! Rather than taking your Novell server to 5.1 try going
to LINUX. The base OS is downloadable for free and will work on your
existing Intell architecture. It will even use your SMP box. You can
convert your existing Oracle for Novell to Oracle for LINUX. When I went
from Novell to NT in early 1999, the conversion fee was 10% of the license
fee. Work with your sales rep and you may be able to get some sort of
credit deal worked on the support liceneses. As far as LINUX goes, there
are (for a fee of coures) companies that will sell you a distribution and OS
support as well. RedHat ( even has an Oracle Enterpise
Server package for around $2500.00 that is the OS, some system tweaks for
optimizing as a DB server, and support. I know the other vendors (Caldera,
SUSE, etc.) also provide support contracts for their systems also.
Rodd Holman
Enterprise Data Systems Engineer
LodgeNet Entertainment Corporation
Comments made are my own opinions and views. They do not represent views,
policies, or procedures of LodgeNet Entertainment Corporation
-----Original Message-----
From: Ron Rogers []
Sent: Friday, October 27, 2000 9:05 AM
But alas "Oracle will desupport ALL Novell products 12/2001" so that throws those plans out the window. Received on Fri Oct 27 2000 - 08:45:08 CDT