I can vouch for Big Brother...it works well here.
Now, the MRTG work ( from which ORCA devolves ) is some
great stuff, right up the lines of mgmt reports you say you
hth...i am off to check out gnumetrics!
-----Original Message-----
From: karl craven [mailto:karl_craven_at_yahoo.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2000 7:51 AM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
Subject: Re: Oracle statistics management report
dont' know if you have heard of the freeware tool big brother but it
basically allows you to montior unix and network services by default
and there have been many other components built by others on the
now what i and many others have done is utilise the MRTG tool and LAARD
to create graphical representations of cpu util, disk, mem etc etc etc.
oracle has always been one of the more difficult to represent thru this
until KARMA was developed. this basically uses the same architecture
as seans big brother software and is used as an alerting tool.
some bright spark has now developed the all singing all dancing
freeware package to monitor stats, raise alarms upon failure of defined
thresholds for various metrics and produce pretty pictures using mrtg.
please have a look at www.gnumetrics.com. i think that this will fit
the bill quite nicely to keep the bosses of ya bak. best thing is is
that its web based so no more printing, colating and intrays :-)
happy hunting
- nlzanen1_at_ey.nl wrote:
> Hi All,
> I've been collecting and evaluating oracle stats for months now and
> have
> been quite content doing so. However mangement in there infinite
> wisdom has
> now decided that they want periodic "performance" reports with nice
> charts
> & graphs (you know management) and as little detail as possible (Just
> "ORACLE IS DOING JUST FINE" wasn't enough though).
> I have no experience in this whatsoever and could use a little help,
> or
> maybe an example of how some of you have done this
> Jack
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Author: karl craven
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Received on Fri Oct 20 2000 - 12:15:43 CDT