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Re:Oracle thinks we need these products - opinions please.

From: <>
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2000 11:37:46 -0400
Message-Id: <>


    OEM is pretty good. I've been looking at third party tools for about 2 years now & for the price there isn't much in the way of competition and basic functionality. Some of the third party tools have better graphics, but they also hide the raw facts which can lead you to incorrect conclusions. A couple believe that all users should have DBA privs which can lead to lost of trouble. One, unmentionable tool thought that all users should have privs to kill others sessions, imagine that!!

    As for parallel server, if your not planning on using it why pay for it? OK, the sales man wants a higher commission, so what else is new? End answer, HELL NO. Dick Goulet

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Subject: Oracle thinks we need these products - opinions please. Author: Jay Hostetter <> Date: 10/17/00 2:22 PM

  We are in the midst of negotiating a new licensing agreement with Oracle. Their salesmen are pushing our management to go with Parallel Server and also the database management packs. I would like pros and cons from those of you who have experience with these Oracle products.

OPS - As far as I am concerned, we don't need it. It adds some administrative headaches. However, Oracle is claiming that it is much easier to install and use with 8i. My argument is that if we can afford 3 minutes of down time while we fail our database over to another node in the cluster, then we don't need OPS. We are in a Compaq Tru64 clustered environment. We can fail our databases to another node automatically in minutes. We don't need to distribute the work load across nodes. Since I don't have first hand experience with OPS, I can't tell management what the "costs" will be to implement it (using raw devices, upgrading, etc.). Are there any, or is it pretty simple to implement?

Management Packs - I played around with OEM when it first came out and found it to quite buggy. I believe you need OEM to use the management packs. Is anybody happy with OEM? Do you like the management packs better than 3rd party tuning products?

Thank you


Jay Hostetter
Oracle DBA
D. and E. Communications
Ephrata PA USA


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