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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Call procedures from VBasic
I'm working on a Windows-NT, and Oracle it's in a Unix computer. In this
project i must call to a Oracle's stored procedure from a visual basic
application. I can use PL/SQL in VB to insert, erase or modify registers in
Oracle, but now, i want to call to a procedure. I'm trying with "execute
proc_name(param1, param2)" but it doesn't work:
for example,
dim SSQL as string
SSQL=" execute proc_name(param1, param2) " Set vaanEskaria = vaanLotura.OpenResultSet(SSQL, rdOpenKeyset,rdConcurValues)
In the SQL plus shell, i can use
SQL> execute proc_name(param1, param2);
and it works very well.
Can somebody help me?
Thanks Received on Mon Oct 16 2000 - 02:26:13 CDT