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Koivu, Lisa wrote:
> good morning all -
> Has anyone used this statement? Seems to me that BULK BIND could
> cause a PL/SQL program to become excessively large while executing if
> too many records are returned. Any insights are appreciated, I'm just
> curious.
> Thanks
> Lisa Rutland Koivu
> Oracle Database Administrator
> 4850 North State Road 7
> Suite G104
> Fort Lauderdale, FL 33319
> V: 954.484.3191, x174
> F: 954.484.2933
> C: 954.658.5849
> "The information contained herein does not express the opinion or
> position of and cannot be attributed to or made binding upon
Hi Again Lisa
Thought maybe an example would save you some time. Here is a function
utilizing the bulk collect
and bind. By using the collect with the limt clause, I can control the
amount of data I pull
into memory. Yes, need to be careful.
The only problem I have had is capturing ORA errors that occur during
the bulk update. Oracle
is doing a graceful exit without notifying me. Although not shown in
the example below, I have
set up pragma's to detect FK violations. I force the error to occur and
the still the code will
exit from the bulk update without hitting the exception clause. Will
send it to you when I get
it figured out.
function do_usage_unbld_mthly_index ( v_table_name varchar2, v_cycle_cd varchar2, v_cycle_end_dt varchar2, v_usage_partitionnumber) return integer is
type rid_array is table of usage_unbld_mthly_index.rowid index by binary_integer; my_rid rid_array; rows natural := 10000; err_num number; err_msg varchar2(100); CURSOR c1 is select rowid from usage_unbld_mthly_index where cycle_cd = v_cycle_cd and v_cycle_end_dt = v_cycle_end_dt and floor(mod(seg_seq_nbr,1000)/100) =v_usage_partition;
begin open c1; loop fetch c1 bulk collect into my_rid limit rows; exit when c1%NOTFOUND; forall indx in my_rid.FIRST..my_rid.LAST delete from usage_unbld_mthly_index where rowid = my_rid(indx); commit; my_rid.DELETE; end loop; if my_rid.COUNT > 0 then forall indx in my_rid.FIRST..my_rid.LAST delete from usage_unbld_mthly_index where rowid = my_rid(indx); commit; end if; close c1; return 0; exception when others then err_num := SQLCODE; err_msg := SUBSTR(SQLERRM, 1, 100); dbms_output.put_line ('errNum: '|| err_num); dbms_output.put_line ('errmsg: '||Received on Fri Oct 06 2000 - 13:36:49 CDT