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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: Recovering a tablespace
Victoria.. here's ur answer ..
>>Well, I brought on the last full snapshot, did a full import
>> and started the recovery command on the tablespace, not database.
irrespective .. rather i would say its irrelevant .. as u r missing a imp concept .. u cannot roll forward from archives using import .. this will work only if u restored a physical backup and then tried rolling forward using the archives.
>> Every time I tried to bring everything on line, it would complain there
was recovery to do.
probably because ur online logs had the required recovery flag turned on ..
but then u say that u did a full import .. hmm!
other list gurus might be able to answer this one ..
>> My question is, does the incomplete recovery only work on a recover
database command and not recover tablespace??
YES. the reason is that incomplete means consistant to a prior point in
time. so that means that u need to always restore the LAST COMPLETE COLD
BACKUP and then roll forward upto ur desired point in time (time/cancel/scn
if u want to simulate a "recover tablespace incomplete" scenerio then tsptr is what u are looking for. this requires u construct a clone database and then do a tsptr on the same. refer to metal link for detailed info on the same.
-----Original Message-----
From: Victoria DeVore []
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2000 12:47 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
Subject: Recovering a tablespace
Hi Fellow DBA's
I had the dubious pleasure of recovering a tablespace. Here is the scenario. One of my staff members was doing the job of cleanup and 'accidently' deleted a user that was the owner of all the production tables in a tablespace. I have full exports, I have on-line archive backups. I thought this would be a piece of cake. I have done several recoveries before. The only difference, this was not a media recovery.
Well, I brought on the last full snapshot, did a full import and started the recovery command on the tablespace, not database. It would not let me do an incomplete recovery. Every time I tried to bring everything on line, it would complain there was recovery to do.
My question is, does the incomplete recovery only work on a recover database command and not recover tablespace?? I have done an incomplete on the database before when I lost several data files, but I have not done a recovery of just a tablespace. Bear in mind that the system thought everything was ok. The person had done a commit and the other tablespaces were still going. So, I had archives beyond that point in time. I did not want them because it would have deleted all of the tables again! Any suggestions?
By the way, I recovered with the import and just told the users they lost 3 hours of work.
Victoria DeVore
Linn-Benton Community College
Systems & Application Programming Manager
6500 Pacific Blvd. SW
Albany, OR 97321
(541)917-4379 FAX
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