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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: If You Had Data Like We've Got Data ...
On 12 Sep 2000, at 20:45, MacGregor, Ian A. wrote:
Date sent: Tue, 12 Sep 2000 20:45:40 -0800 To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L <> Send reply to: From: "MacGregor, Ian A." <ian_at_SLAC.Stanford.EDU> Subject: RE: If You Had Data Like We've Got Data ...
> OID looked good as a way of managing access to resources, until the pricing
> was announced. Oracle has profitted handsomely from work done at
> High-Energy Physics Labs. The Web was "invented" by Tim Berners-Lee
> formerly of Cern. Perhaps Larry E. will pay the community back by making
> OID free.
> Ed Pierce's claim that the "Web as we know it" was invented at the National
> Supercomputing Center at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champagne, or
> is it Champagne-Urbana? was really a claim that, mosaic, the first of the
> breed of modern Web browsers was invented there.
Exactamundo Jefe!
One of the points I made to the libertarians that want to get lawyers off MS' back is that, ironically, a great deal of the technology that is making the new techies (like Bill Gates and Larry Ellison) ultra rich originated in huge central-state sponsored research projects such as the space program, and defense department projects back in the 50s/60s. In other words, the new tech billionaires have to answer the question of their obligations to function cooperatively with society (as opposed to seeing the world strictly in terms of competition/consumption) in the context of public sponsorship of the creation of the technologies they are getting rich from.
For an even deeper historical perspective on the relationship between government sponsorship of science and the entrepenurial-capitalist elites, see Wallace Stegner's "Beyond the Hundredth Meridian" (as you may know, Stegner was the founder of the Creative Writing program at Stanford).
--- excerpt: Stegner's concern with the influence of the past on the present and with a personal and societal sense of identity is most obvious in his nonfiction books, many of which deal with Western history and historical figures. In his essay, "On the Writing of History," included in The Sound of Mountain Water: The Changing American West, Stegner defines the best history writing as a branch of literature, combining historical fact with the narrative prose of fiction. The proper blending of history and fiction "should help to unveil those continuities between past and present which have remained obscure," as Forrest G. Robinson and Margaret G. Robinson explain in their study, Wallace Stegner. Speaking to Dillon in the Southwest Review, Stegner explained his attraction to the writing of history: "I think to become aware of your life, to examine your life in the best Socratic way, is to become aware of history and of how little history is written, formed, and shaped. I also think that writers in a new tradition, in a new country, invariably, by a kind of reverse twist of irony, become hooked on the past, which in effect doesn't exist and therefore has to be created even more than the present needs to be created." The nineteenth-century Western explorer and naturalist John Wesley Powell is the subject of Stegner's biography Beyond the Hundredth Meridian: John Wesley Powell and the Second Opening of the West. Powell led the first expeditions on the Green and Colorado rivers and conducted some of the earliest geological surveys of the West. "Ethnology and Indian policies, public land policy and the ***structure of government science*** stem back to his trail blazing efforts," a Kirkus reviewer explains. Stegner sees Powell, he writes in the book, as "the personification of an ideal of public service that seems peculiarly a product of the American experience." Critical reaction to Beyond the Hundredth Meridian was favorable. A New Yorker reviewer calls it "an important book and, what is more, an exciting one." Mari Sandoz of Saturday Review finds it a "complex story, but no man is better fitted by understanding and artistry to tell it than Wallace Stegner." The Robinsons, looking back on the book in 1977, find it to be "the longest, the most scholarly, perhaps the best written, and certainly the most valuable of Stegner's contributions to historical nonfiction." ... ---end excerpt--- In the following, you get a sense of the strong sense of the "civilizing" influences that ideas about social collectivism and mutual reciprocity had on Stegner's "conservative" world view. This is a major element in Stegner's analysis of the great conflict between John Wesley Powell's populist post-civil war work building the federal science research infrastructure, and the individualists/capitalists that fought Powell's collectivism while they were plundering vast areas of the western ecosystem and concentrating wealth and natural resources (monopolies). In short, I seriously doubt that the current ascent of anglo-imperial global techno-capitalism is capable of sustaining itself under the challenges that exist in terms of the inevitable emergence of moreReceived on Wed Sep 13 2000 - 14:47:36 CDT
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