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From: Alexander Olefirenko <>
Date: Tue, 12 Sep 2000 13:53:05 +0400
Message-Id: <>

I'm in of developing simple lib for Linux (some information at to provide a simple interface to Oracle 8/8i from c++ and i have some problems understanding OCI. The questions should be simple for you but i don't find out how to solve it : 1) Fetching numbers at the moment i
doing next thing: I take a number precision and if i's not null allocates buffer of length precision+1 and request SQLT_STR for number. If it's 0 assume 255 bytes long buffer is enough but it not looks like a right way :( Can u tell me how u solve this problem ? 2) ROWID's the problem is what i can't obtain OCIRowid size so i can't copy it nothere. I can't fetch rowid save it somethere close cursor and then bind saved rowid in some other cursor i should fetch it and bind immidiatly.Is there any solve for this problem ?
3) Fetching REF's on cursors ... no word needed :) 4) Using OCIAttrGet(...OCI_ATTR_NAME) i passint the pointer to pointer to buffer and get a pointer to some buffer containing attribute name. The only way to do that safe in single-threaded application is static buffer somethere deeper inside OCIAttrGet().But I can't understand how it works in multi-threaded environment.Should i do free() on returned pointer or not ? I'm asking it because using JDBC OCI with Oracle 8 i've noticed memory leaks. Using thin drivers solve this problem .. but ...

I Thank you beforehand for your help.

Regards, Olefirenko Alexander
+8 095 935-20-01(207,209)

 Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2000 00:56:10 EDT
Subject: Legato with Oracle Enterprise Edition

Legato comes bundled with Oracle enterprise edition. But after using for about 10 days, it says the license has expired.

Is this some kind of getting the customer on the hook, do we have to pay or is this the process, do we need to call Legato for a key.

Murali Vallath

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 From: "Ajay Kothari" <>  Date: Tue, 12 Sep 2000 14:24:21 +0530
 Subject: Migrating into Oracle8i

Currently my Oracle Database is 7.3.4(Enterprise Edition, 8 Users) on Sco-Unix Relase 5.0 Open Server. and Front-end is Developer-2000 forms 5 and 6

I want to migrate from Oracle 7.3.4 to Oracle 8i on Redhat 6.2 Linux platform.and Development platform from Forms 6.0 to 6i. Please help me out by giving some guidelines so that my current forms can be used (can be accessible through Internet) with Oracle 8i database for Internet.

I don't know how to start? please help.

Secondly I am get confused for using Internet Application Development Tools Received on Tue Sep 12 2000 - 04:53:05 CDT

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