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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> 8.1.5 concatenated index problem
Dear Gurus;
Have any of you come across this. Oracle Support is still researching this (3 days now)
Oracle 8.1.6 - this is not a problem
Oracle 8.1.5 - this is a problem
I have a concatenated index on two columns (A, B)
select column A, C from tablex where column A is Null
8.1.5 database returns 0 rows 8.1.6 database returns 3207 rows
select column A from tablex where column A is Null
8.1.5 database returns 3207 rows 8.1.6 database returns 3207 rows My problems are: 1) I can't upgrade my customers 8.1.5 to 8.1.6 we get new machines which maybe a month or two 2) We are using rule based so hints in the query will not force the select to use another index I tried to build an additional index using just column A and the query still chooses the concatenated index 3) I can't drop the concatenated index as I have many otherqueries which rely on it for performance.
Any suggestions?
From: Janardhana Babu <>
Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2000 09:43:29 -0700
Subject: RE: Tables=(*) not working in 816 while importing ...
I raised a tar with oracle and they told me it is a bug in 8.1.6 (64 bit) and has been fixed in 8.1.7. Bug# 1260483. This works fine in 8.1.5 and below including 7.3.3.
-- Janardhana Babu
-----Original Message-----
From: Gillian M []
Sent: Friday, August 25, 2000 10:04 AM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
Subject: Re: Tables=(*) not working in 816 while importing ...
As far as I know, IMPORT does not accept a wildcard. You must list the table names separated by a comma.
If this is an option, great - I'll use it.
--- Janardhana Babu <> wrote: >
Dear list,
> I need to import tables data and eliminate all other
> objects from the export
> dump file while importing. I used the following
> parameter file:
> userid=system/Password
> buffer=1048576
> file=/usr/local/oracle/temp/exp_temp.dmp
> ignore=y
> grants=n
> indexes=y
> rows=y
> commit=y
> log=/usr/local/oracle/temp/imp_temp_dsclose.log
> fromuser=babujd
> touser=babujd
> tables=(*)
> The parameter tables=(*) is not working for me. The
> message in the logfile
> is: import completed successfully without warnings.
> Actually no tables are imported. The DB is
> on HP-UX(11.0
> 64bit). I tried using \(*\), (\*), *, \* etc etc.
> but no success.
> The logfile contents are as follows:
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