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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: Renaming Oracle Instance
What Dick says fits with my understanding--that the "SID" is
mostly a naming convention. As an experiment, I shutdown an
instance that I normally refer to as "donna", and did the
export ORACLE_SID=3Djunk
2. Then I ran svrmgrl, connected as internal, and attempted to start the instance using this command:
The database was mounted, and then I received an error about a password file not being found. So on to the next step.
3. I went to $ORACLE_HOME/dbs and did:
cp orapwdonna orapwjunk
4. Then I did an ALTER DATABASE OPEN, and voila! I'm now running a SID named junk.=20
Now the database name is still donna, and the instance name is still donna, and the service name is still But I was able to change the SID by doing nothing more than renaming (or copying) the password file and making a change to my ORACLE_SID setting.
If I were doing this in a real-life setting, I would give some thought to changing some of the filenames. Do I really want a SID of junk to have parameter files and control files with donna in their name? Probably not, because that gets confusing for other DBAs. So I'd probably take the time to rename various files to avoid violating whatever naming convention was in place.
On Wed, 23 Aug 2000 06:57:19 -0800, Dick Goulet wrote:
>Depends on what you want to rename. If you want to rename the global =
name then
>the 'alter database rename global_name to <whatever>;' will do the =
trick. If
>you want to change the sid, shutdown, rename init<sid>.ora & restart.
Received on Wed Aug 23 2000 - 10:53:24 CDT
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