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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: OFF TOPIC:karma v1.0, finally
On Wed, 23 Aug 2000, Philip West wrote:
> The colour is hideous. Seriously, if you are red-green colour blind
> like me and 1/4 of the male population this site is unbearable to view
> and therefore useless.
:-) And so friendly about the suggestions. Seriously it's open source... you can edit the Perl and change it if you like. The reason *I* haven't gone about doing this isn't that others haven't requested the same. Changes to those blinking and non-blinking colored balls need to be redone in photoshop, because they're anti-aliased against the background color. I'm no photoshop guru, don't know gimp well, and frankly don't have the time. They looked good when I originally developed them.
If you wanna change 'em, look in the doc_root/images directory and replace them with images of your choice, not anti-aliased against a background color. Next change the background color and images in nav.html in doc_root. Last, edit the Perl code in bin/karmad.PL and change:
Now that wasn't so bad was it?
> all opinions are worth [at most] what you paid for them
I'm tempted to comment here, but I guess I'll be nice and leave it be. I feel for your situation, and I hadn't thought of that when designing the colors. But think about it. I spent a year developing this monitoring system, and made it "open source", "free" or whatever you want to call it. Received on Wed Aug 23 2000 - 13:58:41 CDT