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I have a tool called "Service control utility" (SVC.EXE), can't =
where I have downloaded it. With this tool you can view, start, stop =
... NT
Services on local and remote machines. Attached the readme for this =
EXE couldn't be sent to the list.
Volker Sch=F6n
-----Urspr=FCngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Marin Dimitrov []
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 16. August 2000 20:07
An: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
Betreff: Re: Viewing NT services
> Hi Folks,
> Does anyone out there know of a way to view NT services (both on =
local and
> remote nodes) from the DOS shell. I'm hoping to write some batch =
> file that will include this as part of it's functionality, with a =
view to
> checking status of Oracle related services.
"NET START" will show the services started at the moment at the local
"NET SERVICES" will show u the services u can start
I don't think u can do anything about services on remote nodes
"And it comes to be that the soothing light at the end of your tunnel is just a freight train coming your way... "
Author: Marin Dimitrov
Fat City Network Services -- (858) 538-5051 FAX: (858) 538-5051 San Diego, California -- Public Internet access / Mailing Lists --------------------------------------------------------------------To REMOVE yourself from this mailing list, send an E-Mail message to: (note EXACT spelling of 'ListGuru') and in the message BODY, include a line containing: UNSUB ORACLE-L (or the name of mailing list you want to be removed from). You may also send the HELP command for other information (like subscribing).
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svc Service Control Utility Version
This utility starts, stops, pauses, continues or lists information about services on the specified system. svc has been tested on Windows NT Version 4.0, with Service Pack 3 installed and no Hot Fixes.
svc is a free utility. It may be freely used and distributed as long as the copyright information in the program file remains intact.
svc is provided "as is". There is no warranty.
usage: svc [-acdhlLpst?] [-m Server] [Service] [Service Arguments]
a - List all services. c - Continue, (Restart), the specified service. d - List detailed information about the specified service. h - Help, (this). l - List active services. L - List inactive services. p - Pause the specified service. s - Start the specified service. t - Stop the specified service. ? - Usage. m - Specify a Server to act on.
Service -
The service to start, stop, pause or continue. This is the Service
name, not the Service Display Name.
Service Arguments-
arguments to pass to the service, (Start only).
With no arguments, svc lists the started services on the local system. If only a service name is specified, then the status of that service is displayed.
Only one of "-a", "-c", "-l", "-L", "-s", and "-p" may be specified on the command line.
Display active services on the local machine.
svc -mpooh
Display active services on the "POOH" machine.
svc -L
Display inactive services on the local machine.
svc -d
Display detailed information about the active services on the local
svc -ad
Display detailed information about all services on the local machine.
svc -s myservice
Start the service "myservice" on the local machine.
svc -s -mpooh myotherservice foo bar baz Start the service "myotherservice" on the "POOH" machine with the arguments "foo", "bar" and "baz".
svc -t mydoomedservice
Stop the service "mydoomedservice" on the local machine.
Detail Output:
If the "-d" option is specified on a display command, svc presents detailed service information. For example:
Wins service on system MERSOFT:
ServiceType: OwnProcess State: Running Controls: Stop;Pause/Continue;ShutdownSystemExitCode: 0
CheckPoint: 0 WaitHint: 0 StartType: Auto ErrorControl: Normal ModuleName: D:\NT40\System32\wins.exe LoadGroup: [None] TagId: 0 RunAccount: LocalSystem DisplayName: Windows Internet Name ServiceDependencies: RPCSS;NTLMSSP;
When displaying detailed information about inactive services, you are likely to see a "435" value for the SystemExitCode. This Error Code means simply that no attempt has been made to run the given service since the last boot.
Installation is simple; just copy the executable into a directory listed in the %Path% Environment variable. The distribution also includes debug symbols. This file should be copied into %SystemRoot%\Symbols\Exe, in order for ntsd, (or windbag, I guess), to find it.
Note that the .DBG symbol file is needed only if you want to run the Received on Thu Aug 17 2000 - 02:25:44 CDT
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