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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: EBU
Thanks Fiona
What I am facing right now is I have one database
lets call prod with unix id of oracle i.e oracle owns
the prod and ebu databases, in short they are two
instances on same oracle software of same
. Now I have another instance running as test with
owner as oratest and different $oracle_home. When I
try to register the test instance with ebu , it bombs
out. its not even creating the target user and all
that stuff. I understand that ebu is trying to
connect the test database and not able to connect as
internal; I do not know. Well this is the situation,
any more ideas.
Thanks much
--- "Mcgonnel, Fiona" <>
> Hi,
> 1. Yes, you can have many registered in the catalog
> database. A copied db
> will not successfully register though because the
> dbid will be the same. The
> catalog db is independent of O/S userid so it
> doesn't matter what they're
> called.
> 2. you need to create an Oracle Pool in legat,
> modify nsrdmo and set up a
> password file among other Legato for
> their white paper as
> there are several steps on both the ebu and legato
> end...tricky too...I see
> if I can find a doco on how to do it, was a couple
> of years since I've done
> it. Yes you must set up seperate savegroups for each
> db.
> Rgards,
> Fiona McGonnell
> Oracle Database Administrator
> Salomon Smith Barney
> Sydney, Australia
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Friday, 28 July 2000 4:42
> To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
> Hello Experts
> I have successfully implemented the HOT Backup to my
> Oracle database on Legato 5.1 on HPUX. My question
> is:-
> 1- Can we register another database to my existing
> catalog database, I believe yes; in that case do I
> need the other instance's owner and catalog
> database's
> owner be same. I mean if catalog database is running
> with userid of oracle and other target database is
> running with oraguest, will it be able to register
> that.
> 2- I do not know if its appropriate question for
> this
> list, I am sorry if not; If I am able to register
> another database to my catalog database, how do I
> backup that in legato, I mean the first one I backup
> by saveset portion on legato savegroup by giving the
> name of backup script like
> /xxx/yyy/obackup/back_prod
> Can I keep adding to this savegroup other registered
> database or I have to create a new savegroup for
> each
> registered database.
> Thanks much
> mcg
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