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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: cntrl file paralel write
The same happens to my database. It seems the CKPT process is touching the control file every 3 seconds, presumably because the LGWR does its job every 3 seconds. If you change log_checkpoint_timeout to 2, you'll notice your control file parallel write waits for redo log writing every 2 seconds.
Yong Huang
you wrote:
a new instance, just one user connected (SYS),
select * from v$system_event shows that the
"control file parallel write" are increasing....!!
"total waits" are increasing by 10 per 30 seconds...
whenever i query the v$system_event i see an
increase in the time_waited,waits in this event..
is this the one to ignore ?
8.1.5, AIX Rahul
P1TEXT = files
P1 = 3
P2TEXT = blocks
P2 = 3
P3TEXT = requests
P3 = 3