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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: rman backup to tape opinion please
> >
> > 1. Is it advisable to append the file for the next backup to tape or
> > overwrite the tape every time backup is done.
> >
> > If append I might need only one tape for the whole week else I will need 3
> > tapes.
> Although I have no experience using Rman, I can state with confidence that,
> in your case, 3 tapes are better than one. Redundancy is key to any
> successfull recovery scheme.
As it was explained to me:
You want to cover the worst possible disaster scenario in the most cost effective manner.
(this is a variation of the old saying "if you have time/money to do it wrong, why don't you have time/money to do it right")
Appended incremental backups on one tape create a substantial exposure to data loss. How much saving is there really?
What happens if the system crashes *AND* the tape containing the imcremental/appended backs *ALSO* fails?
You will potentially loose up to a week (or two?) of data as opposed to a day or two i you have separate incremental (or better, full) backups.
Compare the potentially devastating nature of such multiple catastrophic failures in that scenario to extra media costs. Received on Wed Aug 02 2000 - 15:26:43 CDT
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