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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: SQL*Loader
For a really fast solution, I would either:
(a) run it through an awk or perl script that removes the offending
column from the file before sqlloader gets it, or
(b) let sqlloader load it anyway and give the engineers a view that
doesn't show it
d> I hope somebody may have an idea on this. I've already done the RTFM thing d> and experimenting with no luck.
d> My problem is that we have an automatic tester that generates ASCII comma d> delimited text files of it's results to be loaded to the database. One of these d> files has a column in it that is no longer wanted in the database. Regrettably d> it's going to be some time before the test engineering folks get around to d> removing it from the file, but the engineers want it out like yesterday and d> wouldn't you know it's right in the middle of each line. The headache is that d> nothing in this results file is fixed in size. The records are from 60 to 80 d> characters long, with trailing nullcols, and the fields therein vary from test d> to test. Even this particular column varies from 1 to 5 characters. d> Anyone out there got any idea on how to tell SQL*Loader to ignore thisd> field??? My other alternative if Pro*C, but that may take a while too. Received on Fri Jun 30 2000 - 12:15:39 CDT
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