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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: Buffer pools and partitioning
Hi Mark,
The buffer pool specification is only used during a cache miss to determine which buffer pool the block will be placed in. Thereafter, it is at the mercy of the aging algorithm, which is a variation of the LRU theme based on touch counts, delays and so on with some sensitivity to block class. The persistence of your other blocks in the KEEP buffer pool will be contingent on whether the pattern and number of touches on each buffer is sufficient to keep them hot. There is a hidden parameter that can be used to increase the amount of the KEEP buffer pool that is treated as hot, and that may be worth adjusting it the wrong things begin to age out. There are also lots of other hidden knobs for tuning this stuff, but I expect that everything will work exactly as you would expect without needing to do that.
Steve Adams -----Original Message----- From: [] Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2000 7:14 PM To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L Subject: Buffer pools and partitioning
I have a very large transaction table (hundreds of millions of rows) which
has a
single index.
I need to perform fast inserts to this table (2000 - 2500/sec) and I can
allocate approx 1GB RAM from the KEEP pool to the index blocks.
After a few days, this index grows beyond 1GB of blocks, and it starts to
required blocks from other objects out of KEEP.
This is how I want to fix it :
- Add a new column to the table, type DATE, default SYSDATE
My Question is : will oracle age yesterdays index segments out when it
blocks in the KEEP pool ;
effectively reusing yesterdays index blocks to build today's index? Does
check the current storage parameters
for an object before it decides whether or not to age one of its block out
cache - i.e. does altering an object from buffer_pool
KEEP to buffer_pool recycle have any effect when the block is already in
KEEP pool?
The other objects in KEEP dont roll over, and must not be aged out under
circumstances, but I need to have current index
blocks in cache to perform super-fast inserts.
Can anyone comment?
Mark Teehan
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