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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> * Oracle DBAs Needed in these Cities across the U.S...
OraStaff has new requirements in these cities for DBAs with 3+yrs of experience:
Charlotte, NC
Greenville, SC
Chicago, IL
Florida (several cities)
Detroit-travel positions
Raleigh and surronding areas
Los Angeles
San Francisco (Bay area)
Des Moines Iowa
New York City
Portland, OR
Florence, SC
Greater DC area
Hampton Roads, VA area
In addition, we have an on-going need for Oracle Fin Apps DBAs in most cities.
As an independent placement firm working on a contingency basis, companies will not consider candidates from us who need sponsorship so if you are a U.S. citizen or permanent resident and would like us to review your resume..
Please send it as an attachment to:
Bill Law,
Oracle Placement Specialist
OraStaff, Inc.
Ph: 1-800-549-8502
Please include the city (or cities) that you are interested in and also please
include: Job Code:one 6/22/00
Note: This is only one of the many opportunities that we have available across the U.S.for candidates with Oracle skills who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents.
We pay referral fees.
So please contact me if you know of anyone who would be qualified/interested
in any of our opportunities if they are not a match for you at this time.
Bill Law
Oracle Placement Specialist
Received on Sat Jun 24 2000 - 08:50:53 CDT