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Local_listener is not required in your case if u are using multiple listeners for the same database. But u
surely have to define them in server tnsnames.ora. When the instance comes up it looks in the tnsnames.ora
files for those listeners. PMON needs this info for registration
------> what is the port no. , IP addresse of each listener to
resolve the if the listener is listening on the same machine or on another instance of OPS or listener is serving more than one service.
You use multiple listeners for load balancing among dispatchers. If u are not using MTS u probably try to avoid them. Using multiple listeners is good if the number of concurrent connections coming in are huge and the listener is not able to handle that load. Sometimes if this happens , the listener will die.
-----Original Message-----
From: Alex Hillman []
Sent: Friday, June 23, 2000 12:07 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
Subject: local_listener
Could somebody explain to me (but please not citing docs - because I read it) why and when do I need this parameter in the init.ora and entry in tsnames.ora. I created two listeners in the listener.ora - LISTENER (port 1521) and TESTLISTENER(port 1526) and correct entries for DB aliaces in tnsnames.ora. Then opened NET8i guide and read on the page 7-10 that for PMON to register on the not default address (default is TCP/IP with port 1521) - one need to have local_listener=TESTLISTENER in init.ora and entry TNSLISTENER=(address=(prot=tcp)(host=host_name)(port=1526)) in tnsnames.ora. In my case everything worked fine without these entries in init.ora and tnsnames.ora. So question is what PMON registering mean. Received on Fri Jun 23 2000 - 10:47:04 CDT