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On Wed, 21 Jun 2000, ARUN K C wrote:
> Hi all,
> Can anybody please let me know as to whether you are facing any probs with
> dba_waiters,dba_blockers in 8.1.6,we upgraded up on of out m/c from 7.3.4 to
> 8.1.6,when we query the dba_waiters it hangs and even the dba_blockers
> hang,I am not able to why this is happening.
> Can somebody please help me out with this
Try querying v$session_wait to see what the query is waiting on.
set line 110 feed on pause off echo off
set trimspool on
clear col
clear break
col cusername new_value uusername
prompt Enter Username:
set feed off echo off term off
select '&1' cusername from dual;
set term on feed on
col sid format 99999
col username format a10
col event format a30
col p1text format a10
col wait_time format 999999 head 'WAIT|TIME'
col seconds_in_wait format 999999 head 'SECONDS|IN|WAIT'
col state format a20
break on username skip 1 on event
s.username username, e.event event, s.sid, e.p1text, e.wait_time, e.seconds_in_wait, e.state
and s.sid = e.sid and s.username like upper('&uusername')Received on Wed Jun 21 2000 - 18:45:20 CDT