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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> runInstaller error
Hi all,
I've downloaded the patch for Siemens, and I'm trying to run the installer included with the patch (per Oracle's instructions). I'm getting this error:
instnd01#test8i> ./runInstaller
Initializing Java Virtual Machine from
Please wait...
/opt/java/jdk11/bin/mips/green_threads/jre: not found
Why would the installer be looking for anything under
opt, when the 8.1.5 installer installed jre under
/m01/app/oracle/jre/1.1.7/bin/jre ? Also, it looks
like the patch is using a different version of
jre. I also tried setting CLASSPATH to the 1.1.7 jre,
but that didn't work.
I'm confused.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.