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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Pro*C/Pro*Cobol vs PL/SQL Performance
Dear all,
Has anyone done any testing in this area? Any findings? We've done a simple test here and found that the precompilers were much slower than PL/SQL. The program just had a loop that fetches a row from a tiny table 20K times.
The problem seems to be with the number of roundtrips the precompiler language needs to make to the database, whereas when calling a PL/SQL package there does not seem to be that overhead.
So any papers/findings that you can refer me to? I've read the standard Oracle Pre*compiler tuning stuff so am looking for something more technical to support or deny the theory. Any ideas on how long it takes to make the roundtrip?
The bigger picture is that we are trying to decide whether to go Pro*Cobol or PL/SQL. So any white papers or external experience would be well appreciated.
> Leng.
> -----------------
> Leng Kaing
> Tel: +61-3-9843-8440
> Email:
Received on Tue Jun 20 2000 - 23:20:00 CDT