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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re[2]: ORACLE-L Digest -- Volume 2000, Number 168
Hi henrik,
Friday, June 16, 2000, 9:26:08 AM, you wrote:
he4s> Hello,
he4s> We are on NT /ORacle 8.04
he4s> And we try to build replication between 2 dbs.
he4s> I have a small problem.... he4s> When I create the snapshot I receive an error message he4s> that told me that the table doesn't have any primary he4s> key. But the table have a primary key and it is he4s> enabled....
he4s> Any suggestions ?
he4s> Regards
he4s> Henrik E.
Try to creat the snapshot logs with the primary key option on the master site.
-- Best regards, DanutReceived on Mon Jun 19 2000 - 12:15:56 CDT
Danut Bancea Senior Oracle DBA Tele-Pages Inc. Phone : (416) 296-9011 Ext. 2271 Fax : (905) 477-7062 E-mail :