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I would like to add more skills but definitely not at cost of ending my career in Oracle.
-----Original Message-----
From: Terrian, Thomas []
Sent: Friday, June 16, 2000 10:00 AM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
Subject: OFFTOPIC: Should we be learning Teradata?
My company has recently begun several projects that will use Teradata instead of Oracle. Several of our Oracle DBA's are getting cross trained in Teradata. I have told management that I desire to work only in Oracle and not in Teradata. My reasoning is that there is more than enough for me to learn in Oracle, I am more comfortable focusing on one product rather than being a jack-of-all trades, etc. Bottom line is that each day I don't work as an Oracle DBA I become 'dumber' in Oracle.
Now, as the other DBA's are getting Teradata training and certifications, I am beginning to wonder if I made the right decision.
Any thoughts? Is Teradata growing in popularity? Should I be cross-trained in Oracle and Teradata? What would you do?
Tom Terrian
Oracle DBA
(937) 221-1647
Received on Fri Jun 16 2000 - 09:05:45 CDT