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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: hang/wait problem
On Tue, 13 Jun 2000, Gaja Krishna Vaidyanatha wrote:
> So Jared, did I answer your question and also provide a sneak
> preview of my systems future high availability and scalability
> plans?....;-).
Yes, that about covers it.
How do you plan to license this? If on a seat based license I can probably order the system. If you license by power unit though, I probably can't afford it.
> Jared,
> Like all my posts, this one is a long one too. Your question
> was easy but the answer was not. I remember things by just
> persistently "pinning " the required information in my
> instance's database buffer cache's KEEP segment. I then modify
> the behavior of my LRU algorithm by consuming required amounts
> of "Ginko Biloba" and "Ginseng", so that it stops aging blocks
> out of my memory. This feature however, is not supported and
> does not work as advertised on all "body platforms". My
> platform definitely supports it and it works...;-)
> The KEEP, RECYCLE and DEFAULT segments of my database buffer
> cache have been specially re-configured per my requirements.
> After all, it is my system and I have full control over memory
> sizing, allocation and resource management, let alone the
> init.ora. It has some pretty cool dynamic memory expanding
> features....again not supported on all platforms.
> I am currently running fine and have not yet experienced
> contention or saturation with my KEEP segment. Needless to say,
> I am yet to experience any coredumps. But I guess that will
> come with time and age...;-)
> When I start experiencing ORA-600s and ORA-7445s related to
> access to my KEEP segment, and/or I start experiencing "memory
> leaks", I will listen to "music" hours on end, and hope I have
> some level of "Metal" support....crutches may be!.
> By that time in my life, I may just have "Lead-level support".
> If and when they come on the line, they will recommend to patch
> the version of Oracle and the O-S on my node, to fix the
> problem, but that may not do it, because there may be no
> guarantee that when one shuts my instance down, that it may come
> back up....;-(
> When all else fails, I will deploy my self-devised work around,
> by initiating an "online cache fusion" procedure. This
> procedure will synchronize my database buffer cache with the
> cache of the other instance in my "family cluster" which is
> configured in "Parallel Server".
> This OPS configuration is one where the cluster configuration
> has a variety of different types of nodes of various ages and
> configurations. Despite the disparity in configuration and age,
> our systems will continuously "talk with each other", by
> "tnspinging" each other. Again, this configuration is not yet
> supported on all "platforms" and/or on all "family clusters".
> The instance that I "fail-over" to, also will happen to be the
> one that was spawned by a "fork" system call from the PID of
> PMON on my Instance - It is my son's instance (Again forking
> complete Oracle Instances from single process PIDs is yet to be
> supported on all body platforms...;-)...You may have to wait for
> Oracle RDBMS version
> He is currently 4 years old now and would be at prime "system
> performance" levels at that time. When the time is right, his
> instance will then take over and someone can shut my instance
> down. Who knows it might just crash one day without warning!!!.
> And that time automatic instance recovery may not revive the
> instance. It will then be time to then send a note out to
> "" and find out whether anyone else has
> experienced similar problems...;-)
> So Jared, did I answer your question and also provide a sneak
> preview of my systems future high availability and scalability
Received on Wed Jun 14 2000 - 09:40:41 CDT
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