On all new projects I've worked on since Oracle 8,
I've choosed cost base. Anyway all new stuff only
works with cost base.
I've tested cost base on Oracle 7.x and it was pretty
unstabled, especially on 7.2
Analyze table are done on a daily or weekly basis
depending on the applications and tables.
Analyze do not lock table.
I've not switched from rule base to cost base but I'm
sure there is a big tuning effort involve in that.
- cyril <cyril_at_stockholding.com> a icrit : >
> Hello!
> I am 'really surprised' that the solution
> 'commonly' provided for 'such
> problems' is analyze the table..
> Do people really analyze tables? ( I mean do u get
> so much down time! if
> not how do u manage it!)
> Do people really run their applications in COST
> BASED mode...
> cos our organisation has been using Oracle6 onwards
> and since then the
> applications have been tuned
> for rule based and recently we tried to move to
> COST BASED and since all
> the programs gave a huge problem
> we cried off...
> Has anyone gone from RULE BASED to COST BASED.. can
> u help!
> --
> Author: cyril
> INET: cyril_at_stockholding.com
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Received on Fri Jun 09 2000 - 08:22:09 CDT