(I'm Cc'ing this to ORACLE-L just for good measure...)
Hi folks...
As your ODTUG 2000 conference connection, I want to make one last posting
before stepping onto the plane. :-)
- As you can see on the schedule (www.odtug.com), we are holding two
special sessions this year that have never been held before. One is "How to
become an ODTUG speaker", and the other is "How to write an article for the
Technical Journal". Both of these occur on Sunday right before the big
kickoff reception. If you've ever wondered what was involved in becoming a
speaker or author, and want tips to help you through it, you should come to
these sessions! These are very informal, so just show up and we'll help you
out. Lots of Q&A time too.
- List traffic in all lists will diminish during the conference. Please
don't post "is the list alive?" type messages or freak out -- all is normal
and will resume soon after the conference. Expect things to be slower and
quieter for the next week or so.
- If you plan on turning on a vacation auto-responder program, PLEASE make
sure to either unsubscribe yourself or set your subscription to NOMAIL while
you are gone. If your vacation program goes amok, ListGuru will remove you
from the lists, so you might get caught in that. Most vacation programs are
smart enough NOT to start a loop, but some are still stupid. The
considerate thing to do is set yourself to NOMAIL (instructions below).
- I'll be monitoring the lists remotely from Florida, but if anyone seems
anything strange, please notify me here at this address
(bbergman_at_bridgemedical.com) right away and I'll take care of it. Most
importantly, if you see a mailing list loop start, please do NOT post any
messages to the lists as this will only make the situation worse.
- If any of you have address change issues, please bear with me in getting
them done. I'll be taking care of them as time permits, and it might be a
day or so before I get to you.
- Enjoy the conference everyone!! ;-)
To set your subscriptions to NOMAIL (temporarily turning off messages), send
an E-mail message to:
In the message BODY (not Subject: line), put:
This will affect ALL your lists, but you can also specify them individually,
each on a separate line if you prefer. You can also choose to use DIGEST
instead of NOMAIL, resulting in single-message daily digests of traffic
instead of individual messages. Either one will help you retain control of
the lists while you are at the conference.
Received on Fri Jun 09 2000 - 13:20:29 CDT