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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: Getting more off topic --> RE: Work vs marriage
At 07:36 AM 6/1/00 -0800, you wrote:
>Why do some of you refer to your spouses as "the wife"?! It makes it sound
>like you don't feel any attachment to her at all.
>I am a man, and I never refer to my wife as "the wife." It is
Not sure I agree with you on that. I spent several minutes staring at that line, trying to decide in what way it was disrespectful, and I came up blank ("Ball-and-chain", on the other hand...)
"the wife" is a datum. Sure you could refer to your wife by name, but none of us know you or your family. In my case, for instance, which one of these is more clear as to whom I'm talking about: 1) the wife 2) Blaihin
--- Dennis Taylor --- The opinions expressed herein are mine. Get your own opinions!Received on Thu Jun 01 2000 - 12:00:07 CDT