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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: Dev 6i install
Call me silly, but I just did an install of WebDB on NT 4.0 server,
and I tried to do it to the OEM home. That messed me up because
WebDB is based on Oracle 8.0.5, not like our 8i server (and OEM).
Thus my $0.02 is that an install to totally separate Oracle homes per major product sounds least risky.
The problem will then be a redundant installation of support software like SQL*Net, SQL*Plus, etc. But at least the biggy, tns connection config, will not get messed up into a SNAFU.
Akshay Jain
-----Original Message-----
From: Larry G. Elkins []
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2000 9:43 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
Subject: Dev 6i install
I just got Developer 6i in and am going to install on my home machine in the
next couple of days. NT 4.0 (SP5), 8.1.6, JDeveloper 3.0, Oracle
WarehouseBuilder, OEM 2.1, WebDB 2.2, Developer 1.6.1, 2.1, and 6.0. The
release notes and install guide make everything look like a piece of cake
(don't' they always?); but, before I embark on this, has anyone run into
problems with installing Dev 6i? I've reviewed MetaLink for any issues and
didn't turn up anything.
More than once after reviewing the release notes for *all* the products on my box to see if there are any co-existence issues, the need for separate oracle homes (most of the time), dependencies, etc, and, following the install instructions to a "T" for the product being installed, I have found myself having to re-install everything, following a certain order. Install product A, install product B, reinstall RSF's for A, install C, copy two DLL's from B install disk, stand on your head and drink a glass of water, do the hokey pokey (and stick your left leg out), etc. I've got a pretty stable environment now (stable for NT anyway, at least everything is working).
I will be reviewing all of that stuff again tonight; but, I just want to know if anyone knows of any gotcha's before I do this install. I really don't want to have to re-install numerous products again; but, I *do* want to start playing with the latest tools.
Larry G. Elkins
The Elkins Organization Inc.
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