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ORA-04091,ORA-06512 [message #9301] Sun, 02 November 2003 18:12 Go to next message
Messages: 27
Registered: March 2001
Junior Member
Dear friend,
I want to do a trigger which enable to prompt out error message when the certain products are out of stock.
In fact, the trigger should be simple and easy to do, but I still receive error message called "ORA-04091: table SCOTT.PRODUCT is mutating, trigger/function may not see it"
Can you check for me, which parts I did wrongly. Thank you very much.

create table vendors (
vendorID varchar2(6) constraint pk_vendorID primary key,
vendorName varchar2(15) not null,
contact number(12),
address varchar2(20));

create table product (
productCode varchar2(6) constraint pk_productNo primary key,
productName varchar2(15) not null,
quantity number(3) default(0) constraint check_quantities check(quantity >=0),
reorder number(3) default(0) constraint check_reorder check(reorder >= 0),
vendorID varchar2(6) constraint fk_product_vendorID references Vendors(vendorID) );

create table purchaseOrder (
pOrderNo varchar2(6) constraint pk_purchaseOrder primary key,
productCode varchar2(6) constraint fk_purchaseOrder_proCode references product(productCode),
quantity number(3) default(0) constraint check_quantityOrder check(quantity >=0),
vendorID varchar2(6) constraint fk_purchaseOrder_vendorsID references Vendors(vendorID));

insert into vendors values ('V00001', 'Bear', 0340421934, '10A,Jln Bear');
insert into vendors values ('V00002', 'Fish', 0340421934, '10A,Jln Bear');

insert into product values ('P00001', 'Biscuit', 13, 12, 'V00001');

SQL> Create or replace trigger checkQuantity
2 After Insert or Update of quantity on product
3 For each row
5 Declare
6 quantityX number(3);
8 Begin
9 Select quantity into quantityX from product
10 where productCode = :NEW.productCode;
12 IF( :NEW.REORDER > quantityX ) THEN
15 END IF;
16 END;
17 /

Trigger created.

SQL> delete from product;

0 rows deleted.

SQL> insert into product values ('P00001', 'Biscuit', 10, 12, 'V00001');
insert into product values ('P00001', 'Biscuit', 10, 12, 'V00001')
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-04091: table SCOTT.PRODUCT is mutating, trigger/function may not see it
ORA-06512: at "SCOTT.CHECKQUANTITY", line 5
ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'SCOTT.CHECKQUANTITY'

SQL> insert into product values ('P00001', 'Biscuit', 13, 12, 'V00001');
insert into product values ('P00001', 'Biscuit', 13, 12, 'V00001')
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-04091: table SCOTT.PRODUCT is mutating, trigger/function may not see it
ORA-06512: at "SCOTT.CHECKQUANTITY", line 5
ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'SCOTT.CHECKQUANTITY'

Thank you for your help, thank you.

Re: ORA-04091,ORA-06512 [message #9305 is a reply to message #9301] Sun, 02 November 2003 23:55 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Messages: 7065
Registered: December 2001
Senior Member
Well, this question pops up from time to time. You are encountering the famous 'mutating table' problem.
The source of the problem is that you are trying to read from a table while you are changing it. Oracle can no longer guarantee read consistency and therefor
raises the ORA 4091.

Here's an excerpt of a document I once created:

Oracle Mutating Table Problem and how to avoid it

What is the Mutating Table Problem exactly?

A mutating table is a table that is currently being modified by an update, delete, or insert statement. You will encounter the ORA-4091 error if you have a row trigger that reads or modifies the mutating table.

A constraining table is a table that a triggering statement might need to read either directly, for a SQL statement, or indirectly, for a declarative referential integrity constraint. A table is mutating or constraining only to the session that issued the statement in progress.

For example, if your trigger contains a select statement or an update statement referencing the table it is triggering off of you will receive the error. Another way this error can occur is if the trigger has statements to change the primary, foreign or unique key columns of the table the trigger is triggering off of.

If you must have triggers on tables that have referential constraints, the workaround is to enforce the referential integrity through triggers as well.

Assume that you have table EMP(empno, ename, sal, deptno):
----- ---------- --------  ------
00001 BECKER         1000  10
00002 JONES          1250  10
00503 WARNER         1025  95

This table has an AFTER ROW INSERT/UPDATE trigger that
verifies that a certain maximum of the total salaries
is not yet met:
  Select sum(sal)
    Into v_total
    From emp;
Now, imagine that you perform the following update: 

Notice that the SQL statement is run for the first row of the table, and then an AFTER row trigger is fired. In turn, a statement in the AFTER row trigger body attempts to query the original table. However, because the EMP table is mutating( the content has already changed) , this query is not allowed by Oracle. If attempted, then a runtime error occurs, the effects of the trigger body and triggering statement are rolled back, and control is returned to the user or application.

How can I avoid a mutating table?

If you need to update a mutating or constraining table, then you could use a temporary table, a PL/SQL table, or a package variable to bypass these restrictions.

For example, in place of a single AFTER row trigger that updates the original table, resulting in a mutating table error, you may be able to use two triggers. The first is an AFTER row trigger that updates a temporary table, and the second an AFTER statement trigger that updates the original table with the values from the temporary table.


Consider table

EMPLOYEES (employee_id number, department_id number, name varchar2 (20), wage number);

If one creates a before insert or update trigger which checks that the total of wages for a department doesn�t exceed 2 million Belgian Francs.

One could say:





CURSOR c_wages

IS SELECT count(wages) total_wages

WHERE department_id = :NEW.department_id


v_total_wages NUMBER;


OPEN c_wages;

FETCH c_wages INTO v_total_wages;

CLOSE c_wages;

IF v_total_wages > 2000000 THEN

-- do exception handling

-- some exception package is being called

PCK$EXCEPTIONS.RAISE(�Total wages exceeds budget�);



We issue the following command after creating the trigger:

SQL>UPDATE employees

SET wage = 14500

WHERE id = 6

This command will fail. It will result in an ORA-4091 error, since we�re trying to read the table while we modify it.

Therefore, we need to adjust the processing a little bit:


[*]Create a package specification (body is not necessary at this time, since we don�t do any actual processing in the package itself, and it doesn�t need to contain any logic).



Gv_department_id NUMBER; -- global variable

END pck$mutations;

[*]Create a before insert/update trigger for each row to store the department id in the global variable.





Pck$mutations.Gv_department_id :=:NEW.department_id; -- store

--department id in global variable


[*]Create an after insert/update statement trigger do the actual check. </OL>




CURSOR c_wages

IS SELECT count(wages) total_wages

WHERE department_id = pck$mutations.department_id


v_total_wages NUMBER;


OPEN c_wages;

FETCH c_wages INTO v_total_wages;

CLOSE c_wages;

IF v_total_wages > 2000000 THEN

-- do exception handling

-- some exception package is being called

PCK$EXCEPTIONS.RAISE(�Total wages exceeds budget�);



To summarize: If one encounters a mutating table issue, he/she should do basically the following:

  • Create a package header to contain any :NEW or :OLD values that are necessary to perform checks.
  • Create a before each row trigger that fills these variables.
  • Create an after statement trigger that performs the checks.

Useful remarks


[*]An after statement trigger fires before any changes are saved to the database. If the trigger fails/raises an error, all changes of that transaction are rolled back.

[*]When processing so-called bulk inserts/updates, the system might need PL/SQL tables to contain the variables. This is due to the fact that a row level trigger fires for each row (i.e. possibly more times in a bulk operation) and a statement trigger fires only once per statement (hence the names). In the before row trigger one should insert a record in the PL/SQL table. In the after statement trigger, loop through the records of the PL/SQL table and do the necessary processing.

[*]Useful internet addresses:

Oracle Technology Network (OTN), the technical website of Oracle corporation. http://otn.oracle.com or http://technet.oracle.com

Oracle support: Metalink (requires support Id and password): http://metalink.oracle.com

[*]You could add the package body PCK$MUT, to write a sort of API around the variable and make it hidden for calling triggers. That way, no one can directly access the variable. You could write a SET_VAR procedure to fill the variable, a GET_VAR function to retrieve the value of the variable, a CLEAR_VAR procedure to empty the variable�. </OL>

If not clear you can always search the boards here for 'Mutating table' or http://asktom.oracle.com (Tom Kytes' website, a site to put in your favourites). I strongly recommend to look at AskTom. Usually he's very clear and uses straightforward examples.

Re: ORA-04091,ORA-06512 [message #477790 is a reply to message #9305] Mon, 04 October 2010 09:15 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Messages: 4
Registered: October 2010
Junior Member
Hi Maaher,

First of all thanks for such a detailed post.

I have a similar problem.

Table Emp has these columns


Col1 is a primary key having values like A03, A04 etc. I have to implement a trigger such that a value for col1 will not be allowed to insert/update if it starts with an 'X' and remaining part is same.
For example.. if we have values in Col1 like A02, A03 etc following values will not be allowed.. X02, X03 but at the same time X04 will be allowed because A04 is missing.

At the same time if we have values in table like X04, X05 etc, we can allow A04, A05 etc.. but not vice versa..

Sorry for my bad english.

Can you please guide me through the solution.... Confused
Re: ORA-04091,ORA-06512 [message #477791 is a reply to message #477790] Mon, 04 October 2010 09:22 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Messages: 13966
Registered: September 2008
Location: Rainy Manchester
Senior Member
Is it just X that is disallowed for duplicates?
I.e. are you allowed A03 and B03?

EDIT: typo

[Updated on: Mon, 04 October 2010 09:22]

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Re: ORA-04091,ORA-06512 [message #477794 is a reply to message #477791] Mon, 04 October 2010 09:34 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Messages: 4
Registered: October 2010
Junior Member
Yes.. It is just values starting with 'X' are to be disallowed. After A03, B03 is allowed but X03 is not allowed.
Re: ORA-04091,ORA-06512 [message #477820 is a reply to message #477794] Mon, 04 October 2010 10:40 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Barbara Boehmer
Messages: 9104
Registered: November 2002
Location: California, USA
Senior Member
In addition to the method that uses a package and triggers, there is another method that uses a constraint on a materialized view. The following demonstration uses emp2, adds a column, a sequence, and a before insert row trigger to populate the column with the sequence. If one of your columns is already a sequence, then you can use that instead. It then creates a materialized view log, a materialized view with refresh fast on commit that selects from a self-join on the emp2 table a count of those rows that would be in violation. It then creates a check constraint on the materialized view that the column that counts the violations = 0. I have then demonstrated the scenarios that you supplied, showing the desired behavior.

-- original table:
SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> CREATE Table Emp2
  2    (Col1  VARCHAR2(4) PRIMARY KEY,
  3  	Col2  VARCHAR2(4),
  4  	Col3  VARCHAR2(4))
  5  /

Table created.

-- add column, sequence, and trigger:
SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> ALTER TABLE emp2 ADD (col4 NUMBER)
  2  /

Table altered.

SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> CREATE SEQUENCE emp2_seq
  2  /

Sequence created.

  2    BEFORE INSERT ON emp2
  4  BEGIN
  5    SELECT emp2_seq.NEXTVAL
  6    INTO   :NEW.col4
  7    FROM   DUAL;
  8  END emp2_bir;
  9  /

Trigger created.

No errors.

-- add materialized view log, materialized view, and check constraint on materialized view:
  3  /

Materialized view log created.

  3  AS
  4  SELECT COUNT (*) violations
  5  FROM   emp2 a, emp2 b
  6  WHERE  SUBSTR (a.col1, 1, 1) = 'X'
  7  AND    SUBSTR (b.col1, 1, 1) != 'X'
  8  AND    SUBSTR (a.col1, 2) = SUBSTR (b.col1, 2)
  9  AND    a.col4 > b.col4
 10  /

Materialized view created.

SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> ALTER TABLE emp2_mview
  2  ADD CONSTRAINT emp2_view_ck
  3  CHECK (violations = 0)
  4  /

Table altered.

-- test inserts:
SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> INSERT INTO emp2 (col1) VALUES ('A02')
  2  /

1 row created.

SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> COMMIT
  2  /

Commit complete.

SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> INSERT INTO emp2 (col1) VALUES ('A03')
  2  /

1 row created.

SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> COMMIT
  2  /

Commit complete.

SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> INSERT INTO emp2 (col1) VALUES ('B03')
  2  /

1 row created.

SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> COMMIT
  2  /

Commit complete.

SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> INSERT INTO emp2 (col1) VALUES ('X02')
  2  /

1 row created.

SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> COMMIT
  2  /
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-12008: error in materialized view refresh path
ORA-02290: check constraint (SCOTT.EMP2_VIEW_CK) violated

SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> INSERT INTO emp2 (col1) VALUES ('X03')
  2  /

1 row created.

SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> COMMIT
  2  /
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-12008: error in materialized view refresh path
ORA-02290: check constraint (SCOTT.EMP2_VIEW_CK) violated

SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> INSERT INTO emp2 (col1) VALUES ('X04')
  2  /

1 row created.

SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> COMMIT
  2  /

Commit complete.

SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> INSERT INTO emp2 (col1) VALUES ('X05')
  2  /

1 row created.

SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> COMMIT
  2  /

Commit complete.

SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> INSERT INTO emp2 (col1) VALUES ('A04')
  2  /

1 row created.

SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> COMMIT
  2  /

Commit complete.

SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> INSERT INTO emp2 (col1) VALUES ('A05')
  2  /

1 row created.

SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> COMMIT
  2  /

Commit complete.

-- results:
SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> SELECT * FROM emp2
  2  /

COL1 COL2 COL3       COL4
---- ---- ---- ----------
A02                     1
A03                     2
B03                     3
X04                     6
X05                     7
A04                     8
A05                     9

7 rows selected.

SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> SELECT * FROM emp2_mview
  2  /


1 row selected.


Re: ORA-04091,ORA-06512 [message #477896 is a reply to message #477820] Tue, 05 October 2010 02:17 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Messages: 4
Registered: October 2010
Junior Member
Wow.. thats a very good solution. Thanks a tonnnn Barbara. I really appreciate your helping me Smile
Re: ORA-04091,ORA-06512 [message #477992 is a reply to message #477896] Tue, 05 October 2010 09:36 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Solomon Yakobson
Messages: 3303
Registered: January 2010
Location: Connecticut, USA
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JagsOracle wrote on Tue, 05 October 2010 03:17
Wow.. thats a very good solution. Thanks a tonnnn Barbara. I really appreciate your helping me Smile

Question is will your customers appreciate it. Imagine customer inserting into Emp2 (which always succeeds) and working for two hours before committing just to realize there is a violation and all that two hour work is gone. No, am not saying MV view approach is bad (or good). All I am saying you need to apply it based on your business reqs.

Re: ORA-04091,ORA-06512 [message #478014 is a reply to message #477992] Tue, 05 October 2010 11:57 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Barbara Boehmer
Messages: 9104
Registered: November 2002
Location: California, USA
Senior Member

I think the package and triggers method also doesn't raise an error until a commit is issued. What would you suggest instead?, a procedure?

Re: ORA-04091,ORA-06512 [message #478021 is a reply to message #478014] Tue, 05 October 2010 13:19 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Solomon Yakobson
Messages: 3303
Registered: January 2010
Location: Connecticut, USA
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Barbara Boehmer wrote on Tue, 05 October 2010 12:57
I think the package and triggers method also doesn't raise an error until a commit is issued. What would you suggest instead?, a procedure?

Trigger solution, in general, not possible at all. Trigger is transactional - it will not see uncommitted changes made by other sessions. What Maaher is suggesting is how to bypass mutating table error. What OP wants is to implemet table with certain logic between table rows. In most cases it is misunderstanding of relational tables and as a result bad design. I did not follow OP's post closely, but it looks like it is classic case where we want to make sure quantity being ordered is in stock. It is a complex task with many knows solutions. In retail, AFAIK, most popular ones are "better safe than sorry" solutions with pre-allocating product upfront and telling customer something like "temporarily out of stock". If customer opts out quantity is returned back into the pool.

Re: ORA-04091,ORA-06512 [message #478055 is a reply to message #478021] Wed, 06 October 2010 00:20 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Michel Cadot
Messages: 68751
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In retail, AFAIK, most popular ones are "better safe than sorry" solutions with pre-allocating product upfront and telling customer something like "temporarily out of stock". If customer opts out quantity is returned back into the pool.

I concur, this is what is implemented in the retail customers I worked with.


[Updated on: Wed, 06 October 2010 02:13]

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Re: ORA-04091,ORA-06512 [message #478082 is a reply to message #477992] Wed, 06 October 2010 02:07 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Messages: 4
Registered: October 2010
Junior Member
syakobson wrote on Tue, 05 October 2010 20:06
JagsOracle wrote on Tue, 05 October 2010 03:17
Wow.. thats a very good solution. Thanks a tonnnn Barbara. I really appreciate your helping me Smile

Question is will your customers appreciate it. Imagine customer inserting into Emp2 (which always succeeds) and working for two hours before committing just to realize there is a violation and all that two hour work is gone. No, am not saying MV view approach is bad (or good). All I am saying you need to apply it based on your business reqs.


I agree that it is not the best approach, but it worked for me in the current scenario. The check above was part of a process and I just needed to rollback the changes if anything conflicts.

The solution given by Maaher also works but for the time I'll use it.
Re: ORA-04091,ORA-06512 [message #478106 is a reply to message #478082] Wed, 06 October 2010 05:25 Go to previous message
Solomon Yakobson
Messages: 3303
Registered: January 2010
Location: Connecticut, USA
Senior Member
Again, I am not saying Barbara's suggestion "is not the best approach". All I am saying you need to look at it through you business reqs lens.

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