I have a script that calls sqlldr multiple times..
sqlldr br_anu/aaaaaa@dev control=term_of_trans.ctl log=term_of_trans.log data=Terms_Of_Transaction.txt
sqlldr br_anu/aaaaaa@dev control=item_pr.ctl log=item_pr.log data=Item_Pr.txt
sqlldr br_anu/aaaaaa@dev control=adjustment_to_pr.ctl log=adjustment_to_pr.log data=Adjustment_To_Pr.txt
sqlldr br_anu/aaaaaa@dev control=adjustment_det.ctl log=adjustment_det.log data=Adjustment_Det.txt
I would like to take take the schema name as a variable from the user input - instead of hardcoding the schema name. how do i do that.