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How solve error WUF-201 [message #300966] Mon, 18 February 2008 18:59 Go to next message
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Registered: March 2005
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Received via PM from mbpenaloza:
Good morning

I live in South America (Ecuador) and my english is not very good. Sorry by my mistakes in words of this message.

My situation is this.

I use Oracle Forms 10g and try print direct to printer using client_text_io.fopen('PRN', 'w') in clint machine with Windows 98 and occurs next error:

WUF-201: Cannot open file PRN for write in mode ('w'). Exception java.io.filenotfoundException:PRN. Path not found.

Maybe the operative system is not compatible with WebUtil because in others clients machine with Windows Xp not have troubles.

The code is this:
  Pn_Numero          in   Number,
  Pv_Serie           in   Varchar2,
  Pn_CodigoEmpresa   in   Number) IS
  Ln_Total            Number;
  i                   Number;
  Ln_total_lineas     Number;
  Ln_lineas_detalle   Number;
  Ln_Contador         Number;
  Lv_Ruc              Varchar2 (13);
  Lv_Cpbte            Varchar2 (21);
  Lv_Fecha            Varchar2 (40);
  Lv_factura1         Varchar2 (50);
  Lv_Nombre           Varchar2 (100);
  Lv_Direccion        Varchar2 (100);
  Lv_facturas         Varchar2 (200);
  Lv_Error            Varchar2 (200);
  out_file            Client_Text_IO.File_Type;
  Lv_factura1 := null;
  Lv_facturas := null;
  Ln_total_lineas := 4;
  Ln_lineas_detalle := 0;
  out_file := Client_Text_IO.Fopen ('LPT1', 'w');
  select to_char (a.fecha, 'dd-mm-yyyy'), a.cedula_ruc, b.representante,
    into Lv_Fecha, Lv_Ruc, Lv_nombre,
    from in_retencion a, in_proveedores b
   where numero = Pn_numero
     and a.serie = Pv_serie
     and secuencia = :bl_retenciones.secuencia
     and a.codigo_sucursal = :bl_retenciones.codigo_sucursal
     and a.codigo_empresa = :global.codigo_empresa
     and b.cedula_ruc = a.cedula_ruc;
  select sum (valor)
    into Ln_Total
    from in_retencion_detalle
   where numero = Pn_numero
     and serie = Pv_serie
     and secuencia = :bl_retenciones.secuencia
     and codigo_sucursal = :bl_retenciones.codigo_sucursal
     and codigo_empresa = Pn_codigoempresa;
  Ln_Contador := 0;
  for f in (select   tipo_comprobante, numero_comprobante
                from in_retencion_detalle
               where numero = Pn_numero
                 and serie = Pv_serie
                 and secuencia = :bl_retenciones.secuencia
                 and codigo_sucursal = :bl_retenciones.codigo_sucursal
                 and codigo_empresa = Pn_codigoempresa
            group by tipo_comprobante, numero_comprobante)
    Ln_Contador := Ln_Contador + 1;
    if Ln_Contador <= 1 then
      if f.tipo_comprobante = '1' then
        Lv_Cpbte := 'FACTURA';
      elsif f.tipo_comprobante = '2' then
        Lv_Cpbte := 'NOTA DE VENTA';
        Lv_Cpbte := 'LIQUIDACION DE COMPRA';
      end if;
    end if;
    if Lv_factura1 is null then
      Lv_factura1 := to_char (Lv_factura1
                              || f.tipo_comprobante
                              || '-'
                              || f.numero_comprobante
                              || ',');
      Lv_facturas := to_char (Lv_facturas
                              || f.tipo_comprobante
                              || '-'
                              || f.numero_comprobante);
    end if;
  end loop;
  Client_Text_IO.New_Line (out_file);
  Client_Text_IO.New_Line (out_file);
  Client_Text_IO.New_Line (out_file);
  Client_Text_IO.New_Line (out_file);
  Client_Text_IO.New_Line (out_file);
  Client_Text_IO.New_Line (out_file);
  Client_Text_IO.New_Line (out_file);
  Client_Text_IO.New_Line (out_file);
  Client_Text_IO.New_Line (out_file);
  Client_Text_IO.New_Line (out_file);
  Client_Text_IO.New_Line (out_file);
  Client_Text_IO.Put (out_file,
                      ' ' || RPAD (upper (Lv_nombre), 45, ' ') || ' '
                      || Lv_fecha);
  Client_Text_IO.New_Line (out_file);
  Client_Text_IO.Put (out_file,
                      ' '
                      || RPAD (upper (Lv_ruc), 13, ' ')
                      || ' '
                      || rpad (Lv_Cpbte, 33, ' '));
  Client_Text_IO.New_Line (out_file);
  Client_Text_IO.Put (out_file,
                      ' '
                      || RPAD (upper (Lv_direccion), 40, ' ')
                      || ' '
                      || RPAD (upper (Lv_factura1), 19, ' '));
  Client_Text_IO.New_Line (out_file);
  Client_Text_IO.Put (out_file, ' ' || :bl_retenciones.concepto);
  Client_Text_IO.New_Line (out_file);
  Client_Text_IO.New_Line (out_file);
  Client_Text_IO.New_Line (out_file);
  Client_Text_IO.New_Line (out_file);
  for c in (select   a.porcentaje, a.tipo_retencion, a.codigo_retencion,
                     b.descripcion, sum (base_imponible) base, sum (valor)
                from in_retencion_detalle a, pg_tipo_retencion b
               where a.numero = Pn_numero
                 and a.serie = Pv_serie
                 and secuencia = :bl_retenciones.secuencia
                 and a.codigo_sucursal = :bl_retenciones.codigo_sucursal
                 and b.tipo_retencion = a.tipo_retencion
                 and a.codigo_empresa = Pn_codigoempresa
            group by a.tipo_retencion,
    Ln_lineas_detalle := Ln_lineas_detalle + 1;
    Client_Text_IO.Put (out_file,
                        ' '
                        || :bl_retenciones.ano_fiscal
                        || ' '
                        || RPAD (upper (c.descripcion), 17, ' ')
                        || ' '
                        || to_char (c.base, '9,999,990.00')
                        || ' '
                        || c.codigo_retencion
                        || ''
                        || to_char (c.porcentaje, '9,999,990.00')
                        || '% '
                        || to_char (c.valor, '9,999,990.00'));
    Client_Text_IO.New_Line (out_file);
  end loop;
  for i in Ln_lineas_detalle .. Ln_total_lineas
    Client_Text_IO.New_Line (out_file);
  end loop;
  Client_Text_IO.Put (out_file,
                      ' TOTAL: ' || to_char (Ln_total, '9,999,990.00'));
  Client_Text_IO.Fclose (out_file);
  VARGEN.Gn_Boton :=
                    ('Atención, se imprimio la retención satisfactoriamente ..',
    VARGEN.Gn_Boton := F_MOSTRAR_ALERTA ('Error ' || sqlerrm);
    raise form_trigger_failure;

Tanks so much for your help

[Updated on: Mon, 18 February 2008 18:59]

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Re: How solve error WUF-201 [message #300967 is a reply to message #300966] Mon, 18 February 2008 19:01 Go to previous message
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Registered: March 2005
Location: Surges Bay TAS Australia
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