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Looking for dumps? Check here! [message #227945] |
Fri, 30 March 2007 06:05 |
Messages: 7065 Registered: December 2001
Senior Member |
All about braindumps
Braindumps are a list of questions and answers from an actual certification exam. Although it might seem to be a good starting point to study, you should take the following points into consideration:
- The answers in the list might be wrong. You don't know whether you are studying/memorizing the correct answers since you are relying on the word of a complete stranger. He could have made a mistake in either the question or the answer.
- It is unethical to just memorize answers in order to get a certification. You should be certified for your knowledge and insight, not for having a good memory.
- It breaks down the value of certifications. Imagine the following situation: I, as an OCP, apply for a job. The guy I have to replace was a "braindump OCP" that wasn't up for the job because he had no actual knowledge. My OCP would be worthless in the eyes of my possible employer just because the employer had lost faith in certifications.
- It is illegal. Full stop. Read the next paragraph if you're not sure about this.
What does Oracle say?
Oracle | You agree that all work submitted by You in completing the Certification Exam and in satisfaction of the Certification Requirements, including Certification Exam answers, assignments, resolutions and personal registration information is entirely Your own. You will neither: (i) provide nor accept improper assistance; nor (ii) use unauthorized materials in attempting to satisfy Certification Requirements.
Oracle | You agree that You will not copy, publish, offer to sell, sell, publicly perform or display, distribute in any way or otherwise transfer, modify, make derivative works thereof, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or translate any Certification Exam or part thereof.
Oracle | The Certification Exam (including without limitation, questions, answers, worksheets, computations, drawings, diagrams, length and number of exam segments and/or questions, or any communication related to the Certification Exam) is the confidential property of Oracle (“Confidential Information”) and is made available to You for the sole purpose of testing your knowledge in the technical area referenced in the title of the applicable Certification Exam.
Oracle | You agree (i) to hold Confidential Information in confidence and take all reasonable precautions to protect it; (ii) not to use Confidential Information at any time during the term or after the termination of this Agreement; except as provided herein; and (iii) that You shall not disclose, publish, reproduce or transmit any Confidential Information to any third party, in any form, including without limitation, verbal, written, electronic or any other means for any purpose.
Oracle has even contacted OCP candidates:
Oracle Certification Program Candidate
What about OraFAQ?
- We don't host braindump papers. They will be deleted on sight.
- Threads demanding for dumps will be closed or deleted on sight.
The official site:
Oracle Certification Program
Other interesting links:
Brain Dumps, Study Guides and Certifications
Watch out for brain dump test prep sites
OTN forums: Oracle 10g - 1Z0-040 SAMPLE QUESTIONS
MHE on behalf of the moderator staff.
@mods: feel free to change.
@all: Questions? Remarks? PM me.
[Updated on: Mon, 27 August 2007 11:15] by Moderator Report message to a moderator
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