i wrote the following code for dynamic list item(combo box) at when_new_form_instance trigger.it works usually at first time when i open the form but its not my desired. i want it when i will save the record after the item will show at combo box at run time.please help me for the exact trigger event which will perform at run time
rg_name varchar2 (40) := 'dept_rec';
status number;
rgroup recordgroup;
rgroup :=
'select to_char(deptno) deptno,to_char(deptno) deptno from dept');
status := populate_group (rgroup);
clear_list ('deptno');
populate_list ('deptno', rgroup);
Thank u
Mahbub Shohag
Upd-Mod: Please use the 'code' tags and format your code.
[Updated on: Thu, 07 December 2006 16:49] by Moderator
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