-- A little scripting should help.
-- here myscript is the script file is used.
-- it will take two parameters, first a control file_name and then the data file_name.
-- It is simple. You can make it any fancy you want
bash-2.03$ myscript my@member.ctl my@member.dat
SQL*Loader: Release - Production on Sun Mar 13 10:41:50 2005
Copyright (c) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
Commit point reached - logical record count 5
-- this is the script.
bash-2.03$ cat myscript
# copy the controlfile and datafile into a simple file, with no specialcharacters file_name.
cp $1 myctl.ctl
cp $2 mytemp.dat
#edit the control and replace your new dat file and use this ctl file to load using sqlldr
#clean all the tempfiles.
sed -e "s/$2/mytemp.dat/g" myctl.ctl > run.ctl
sqlldr userid=mag/mag control=run.ctl
rm myctl.ctl
rm mytemp.dat
rm run.ctl