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icon9.gif  OCI Error while Executing [message #110885] Thu, 10 March 2005 16:58
Messages: 1
Registered: March 2005
Junior Member
Hi All,

I'm pretty new to OCI programming. I have been getting the following error, and a core is dumped, when I run the program:

ERROR: ORA-24374: define not done before fetch or execute and fetch

Below is the code, where I'm describing and defining. I haven't used any fetch statement in the code.

/* Struct used for describing and defining the columns */
struct ColDescr
  ub2      m_Datatype ;
  text*    m_ColName ;
  ub4      m_ColNmLength ;
  ub1      m_Data[128] ;
  sb4      m_DataSize ;
} SelCols[30] ;
int main ()
  ... /* Declaration */
  /* Initialization and connect */

  m_Query = (text *) "SELECT * FROM TBL_BUSINESS" ;
  if ( OCIStmtPrepare ( p_sql, p_err, m_Query, 
                        (ub4) strlen (m_Query), 
                         OCI_NTV_SYNTAX, OCI_DEFAULT ) )
    HandleError ( p_err ) ;
    ExitClean () ;
  fprintf ( stderr, "Statement Prepared!\n " ) ;

  if ( OCIStmtExecute ( p_svc, p_sql, p_err, (ub4) 1, 
                        (ub4) 0, (OCISnapshot *) NULL, 
                        (OCISnapshot *) NULL, OCI_DEFAULT ) )
    HandleError ( p_err ) ;
    //ExitClean () ;
  fprintf ( stderr, "Statement Executed successfully!\n" ) ;

    //static int Pos = 1 ;

    if ( OCIParamGet ( p_sql, OCI_HTYPE_STMT, p_err, 
                      (dvoid *) &p_Param, (ub4) Pos ) 
           != OCI_SUCCESS )
      HandleError ( p_err ) ;
      break ;

    OCIAttrGet ( (dvoid *) p_Param, OCI_DTYPE_PARAM, 
                 (dvoid *) &SelCols[Pos - 1].m_Datatype,
                 (ub4 *) 0, (ub4) OCI_ATTR_DATA_TYPE, p_err ) ;

    OCIAttrGet ( (dvoid *) p_Param, OCI_DTYPE_PARAM, 
                 (dvoid **) &SelCols[Pos - 1].m_ColName,
                 (ub4 *) &SelCols[Pos -1].m_ColNmLength, 
                  OCI_ATTR_NAME, p_err ) ;

    OCIAttrGet ( (dvoid *) p_Param, OCI_DTYPE_PARAM, 
                 (dvoid *) &SelCols[Pos - 1].m_DataSize,
                 (ub4 *) 0, (ub4) OCI_ATTR_DATA_SIZE, p_err ) ;

    OCIDefineByPos ( p_sql, &p_dfn, p_err, (ub4) Pos, 
                    (ub1 *) SelCols[Pos -1].m_Data,
                    ( SelCols[Pos -1].m_DataSize + 1 ), 
                     SelCols[Pos - 1].m_Datatype,
                     (dvoid *) 0, (ub2 *) 0, (ub2 *) 0,
                     OCI_DEFAULT ) ;

    fprintf ( stderr, "Column: %s(%d) => %d \n", 
                       SelCols[Pos - 1].m_ColName,
                       SelCols[Pos - 1].m_DataSize,
                       SelCols[Pos - 1].m_Datatype ) ;
    Pos ++ ;
  }while ( 1 ) ;

  /* No Fetch Statement - in rest of the code */ 

  ... /* Code to logoff and free handles */

However, the above code works fine if Statement is executed as OCI_DESCRIBE_ONLY (I commented the OCIDefineByPos). I'm able to get the column info from the query.

Is it necessary that a fetch be called?

Thanks in advance. Razz

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