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Who Dares to Give the Solution [message #86468] Sat, 02 October 2004 08:20
Messages: 96
Registered: March 2004

You had given me clue to read the data from ComPort using MSCOMM control in Oracle FORMS 6.
I have got success in reading the data from COM Port. Now i am facing a very severe problem. I have made a procedure that
that is being called by timer and reads the data from the COM port.
Now it happens so that sometimes My Forms Application crashes out. I have tried a lot to find the reason but still unable to resolve the reason.

i get this sort of data that i filter it and get my required data from it

   5285  kg US,NT,0,   5680  kgUS,NT,0,   5815  kgUS,NT,0,   5860  kgUS,NT,0,   5905  kgUS,NT,0,   5935  kgUS,NT,0,   5950  kgUS,NT,0,   5955  kg

   4995  kgST,NT,0,   4990  kgST,NT,0,   4990  kgST,NT,0,   4985  kgST,NT,0,   4985  kgUS,NT,0,   4995  kgUS,NT,0,   5005  kgUS,NT,0,   4990  kg

   5770  kgUS,NT,0,   5775  kgUS,NT,0,   5775  kgUS,NT,0,   5775  kgUS,NT,0,   5780  kgUS,NT,0,   5790  kgUS,NT,0,   5795  kgUS,NT,0,   5800  kg

   6685  kgUS,NT,0,   6655  kgUS,NT,0,   6630  kgUS,NT,0,   6605  kgUS,NT,0,   6580  kgUS,NT,0,   6555  kgUS,NT,0,   6535  kgUS,NT,0,   6510  kg

this is my code

--This piece of Code reads data from com port 1 and
--put the data in the given field. This task is being
--accomplished by using Microsoft Activ-X Control 
--MSCOMM32.OCX as called as 'Communication Control'

 receive   OLEVAR;
 Wreceive   VARCHAR2(400);
 v_buffer varchar2(10240);
 Attempts Number:= 0; --counts the number of attempts to read the data from port
 v_FirstPoint number;  --used for taking the index of first symbol of 'kg'
 v_SecondPoint number; --used for taking the index of second symbol of 'kg'
 v_BufferLength number; --stores the data stream get from com port
 v_DataStream varchar2(32767); -- gets the data from com port and stores in v_BufferLength
 a number:=1;
-- Attempts NUMBER:=0;

 --changing the cusor style
 --assigning the comport to active x control
 --check to see whether it is already open or closed
 if (MSCOMMLib_IMSComm.PortOpen(:ITEM('BLOCK2.MSCOMMCONTROL').INTERFACE) = -1) then --open
  --setting the mode for communication
  --opening the port
 end if; 
 --This loop ensures that the data string
 --has at least two 'KG' symbols in
 --the data string retrieved
  exit when (v_SecondPoint <> 0) ;
  v_FirstPoint := 0;
  v_SecondPoint := 0;
  v_buffer :='';
  -- v_SecondPoint will be 0 only if 'KG' is not found second time
  --this loop causes a delay

  v_BufferLength := 0;
    insert into weightscale
 v_DataStream :='';
   exit when (v_BufferLength > 150) or (Attempts > 20);
    EXIT WHEN A> 300000;

   -- exit when (v_BufferLength > 150 );
   --INPUT function receives the data string from com port to OLEVAR variable
   v_DataStream:= var_to_char(receive);
   --v_DataStream:= '   5285  kg US,NT,0,   5680  kgUS,NT,0,   5815  kgUS,NT,0,   5860  kgUS,NT,0,   5905  kgUS,NT,0,   5935  kgUS,NT,0,   5950  kgUS,NT,0,   5955  kg';
   v_BufferLength := NVL(length(v_buffer||v_DataStream),0);
   v_buffer := v_buffer||v_DataStream;
   :data2 := v_buffer;
   Attempts := Attempts +1;

  end loop;
    insert into weightscale
  IF (Attempts < 20) THEN
     --filteration code 
     v_FirstPoint := nvl(instr(v_buffer,'kg',1),0);
     -- v_FirstPoint will be 0 only if 'kg' is not found in the data string
     if (v_FirstPoint <> 0) then
       v_SecondPoint := nvl(instr(v_buffer,'kg',v_FirstPoint+2),0);
       if (v_SecondPoint <> 0) then
         v_buffer := substr(v_buffer,v_SecondPoint - 7 ,5);
         --:DATA:= v_buffer;
         --this 5portion executes only if data string contains one symbol of 'kg'
       end if;  
         --this portion executes only if data string contains zero symbol of 'kg'     
     end if;  
   message('Scale is not ready');
   message('Scale is not ready');
   v_SecondPoint := 339;--IT WILL TERMINATE THE FIRST LOOP
END IF;         
 --closing the port
 --changing the cursor style back to default

  RETURN TO_NUMBER(v_buffer);


I really need your guidance.
Any Contact Number of your will be really appreciated.
Farhan Ashraf
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