<PRE><FONT face="Arial Unicode MS">Hi experts,</FONT>
<FONT face="Arial Unicode MS">Our nightly process loads about millions records into empty partition of our fact table(range
<FONT face="Arial Unicode MS">partitioned with local bitmap indexes) in the first step. Since the first step is the bulk of
<FONT face="Arial Unicode MS">the load we make the indexes unusable, load data and rebuild(greatly helped the load time).
<FONT face="Arial Unicode MS">The rebuild gets done in 4 mins first time. But the index size seemed to be big...eating
<FONT face="Arial Unicode MS">large amount of space index tablespace. So, we decided to rebuild the indexes at the end of
<FONT face="Arial Unicode MS">our cycle to clean up the indices and reclaim back space. The second time rebuild takes about
<FONT face="Arial Unicode MS">an hour....
<FONT face="Arial Unicode MS">Why is there a huge timing difference in rebuild. First time 4-5 mins, second time 50-60
<FONT face="Arial Unicode MS">mins....
<FONT face="Arial Unicode MS">Our nightly process loads about millions records into empty partition of our fact table(range
0<FONT face="Arial Unicode MS">Our nightly process loads about millions records into empty partition of our fact table(range
1<FONT face="Arial Unicode MS">Our nightly process loads about millions records into empty partition of our fact table(range
2<FONT face="Arial Unicode MS">Our nightly process loads about millions records into empty partition of our fact table(range
3<FONT face="Arial Unicode MS">Our nightly process loads about millions records into empty partition of our fact table(range
4<FONT face="Arial Unicode MS">Our nightly process loads about millions records into empty partition of our fact table(range