Hello Team,
I am having an ODI session which executes at 3:00:47 AM it creates a unique identifier table C$_1AQM97VQ6UNBBC0056KO3FA4TJ7 and uses the unique identifier table to load the records into the temp table.
I have called the Package only once in the load plan but the session fails by giving error as shown below error.
isCaused By: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-12801: error signaled in parallel query server P001
ORA-08103: object no longer exists
At first I realize that the other map is trying to drop the temp table but this is not the case.
The object for the error came still the unique identifier table still exists C$_1AQM97VQ6UNBBC0056KO3FA4TJ7 in the database.
Appreciate your help on the above questions.