Hi Everyone,
Been searching the internet for almost a week now regarding my issue..
This is simple as it may look but I cant really make it to work.
I hope someone here can help me on this because I have a deadline until Friday.
My issue is that everytime I run this code below, there is no response. Not even an error.
This code is working properly when I use OLE2 but when I changed it to CLIENT_OLE2.
It stops working.
Thank you in advance everyone.
application client_ole2.obj_type;
--l_filename varchar2(200);
/*l_filename := webutil_file.file_save_dialog
(directory_name => 'C:\'
,file_name => '*.xls'
,file_filter => null
,title => 'Select client side filename where App Server file will be saved'
application := client_ole2.create_obj('Excel.Application');