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Data problems using ODBC Gateway [message #651899] Fri, 27 May 2016 02:26 Go to next message
Messages: 9
Registered: May 2016
Location: Hungary
Junior Member
Our ORACLE 11R2 database server connects to a MS-SQL database server via ODBC Gateway
We use Microsoft ODBC Driver ver11.0.2270.0.
We've got two problems using this connection, as follows:

1. If the MS-SQL table's field is defined as NUMBER(6,1), and we read this data in an ORACLE SQL environment
via SELECT statement, the returned value is truncated to integer, that means, number 14.7 returns as 14.

2. If the MS-SQL table's field is defined as CHAR(6), and we read this data in an ORACLE SQL environment
via SELECT statement, the returned value is padded with 6 blanks, that means, "ABCDEF" returns as "ABCDEF<6 space>".

Please help us, what to do for solving these problems.

Re: Data problems using ODBC Gateway [message #651900 is a reply to message #651899] Fri, 27 May 2016 02:33 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Michel Cadot
Messages: 68745
Registered: March 2007
Location: Saint-Maur, France, https...
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From Oracle SQL*Plus what do you get if you execute (replacing the <> part by the actual values):
desc <table1>@<mssql>
desc <table2>@<mssql>

Also copy and paste the SQL*Plus session that shows what you told us.

[Updated on: Fri, 27 May 2016 02:34]

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Re: Data problems using ODBC Gateway [message #651901 is a reply to message #651900] Fri, 27 May 2016 02:57 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Messages: 9
Registered: May 2016
Location: Hungary
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SQL*Plus: Release - Production on P. Mßj 27 09:51:43 2016

(c) Copyright 1999 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Adja meg a felhasznßlˇ nevet: jarmu/jarmu@volan

Kapcsolˇdßsi cÚl:
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options

SQL> desc "dbo"."MenMl16"@ohvcont2012;
 NÚv                             Null?    TÝpus
 ------------------------------- -------- -----
 ML_ID                           NOT NULL NUMBER(10)
 VALL                            NOT NULL NUMBER(3)
 EV                              NOT NULL NUMBER(3)
 HO                              NOT NULL NUMBER(3)
 TSZAM                           NOT NULL CHAR(12)
 NAP                             NOT NULL NUMBER(3)
 TTI                             NOT NULL CHAR(2)
 OKMANY                          NOT NULL NUMBER(10)
 OKMANY1                         NOT NULL NUMBER(10)
 OKM                             NOT NULL CHAR(6)
 OKM1                            NOT NULL CHAR(6)
 EGYSEG                          NOT NULL CHAR(8)
 EGYS_BER                        NOT NULL CHAR(8)
 EGYS_UZ                         NOT NULL CHAR(8)
 DECKOD                                   NUMBER(3)
 DEC_UZ                                   NUMBER(3)
 VEZ                                      NUMBER(3)
 VEZ_UZ                                   NUMBER(3)
 ACS                                      NUMBER(3)
 MKK                                      NUMBER(3)
 PROF                                     NUMBER(3)
 PROF_UZ                                  NUMBER(3)
 FRSZ                            NOT NULL CHAR(12)
 FRSZ_UJ                         NOT NULL CHAR(12)
 TIPUS                           NOT NULL CHAR(8)
 JELL                                     NUMBER(3)
 FORDA                           NOT NULL CHAR(12)
 FORDA1                          NOT NULL CHAR(12)
 VERZ                            NOT NULL NUMBER(3)
 NAPT                            NOT NULL NUMBER(3)
 SZJEL                           NOT NULL NUMBER(5)
 SZTAV                           NOT NULL NUMBER(5)
 KALAUZN                         NOT NULL NUMBER(3)
 KIFELEZ                         NOT NULL NUMBER(3)
 UZA_KELL                        NOT NULL NUMBER(3)
 BER_KELL                        NOT NULL NUMBER(3)
 TOM_KELL                        NOT NULL NUMBER(3)
 TOM1_KELL                       NOT NULL NUMBER(3)
 FIZUN_JAR                       NOT NULL NUMBER(3)
 MEG                                      NUMBER(3)
 FUV                                      NUMBER(3)
 KJTIP                           NOT NULL CHAR(2)
 KJNAP                           NOT NULL NUMBER(3)
 ATF_K                           NOT NULL NUMBER(7,1)
 ATF_V                           NOT NULL NUMBER(7,1)
 FUT_K                           NOT NULL NUMBER(7,1)
 FUT_V                           NOT NULL NUMBER(7,1)
 HOM                                      NUMBER(5)
 KIFUT                           NOT NULL NUMBER(5)
 MELEG                           NOT NULL NUMBER(5)
 LEGKOND                         NOT NULL NUMBER(5)
 KM_KEZD                         NOT NULL NUMBER(7)
 KM_VEG                          NOT NULL NUMBER(7)
 OPJEL                           NOT NULL NUMBER(3)
 JELTA                           NOT NULL NUMBER(5)
 VEZET                           NOT NULL NUMBER(5)
 KIALL                           NOT NULL NUMBER(5)
 KIALLF                          NOT NULL NUMBER(5)
 KIALL_                          NOT NULL NUMBER(5)
 EGYEB                           NOT NULL NUMBER(5)
 EGYEBF                          NOT NULL NUMBER(5)
 EGYEB_                          NOT NULL NUMBER(5)
 FELLEP                          NOT NULL NUMBER(5)
 LELEP                           NOT NULL NUMBER(5)
 FELLEAT                         NOT NULL NUMBER(5)
 KARB                            NOT NULL NUMBER(5)
 LEDOLG                          NOT NULL NUMBER(5)
 FLNEL                           NOT NULL NUMBER(5)
 SZOLG                           NOT NULL NUMBER(5)
 OSZT                            NOT NULL NUMBER(5)
 FIZTAV                          NOT NULL NUMBER(5)
 FIZUN                           NOT NULL NUMBER(5)
 BINEM                           NOT NULL NUMBER(5)
 SZABAD                          NOT NULL NUMBER(5)
 BETEG                           NOT NULL NUMBER(5)
 TAVOL                           NOT NULL NUMBER(5)
 [b]KM                              NOT NULL NUMBER(6,1)[/b]
 KKM                             NOT NULL NUMBER(6,1)
 SZKM                            NOT NULL NUMBER(6,1)
 SULYAL                          NOT NULL NUMBER(6,1)
 SULYNO                          NOT NULL NUMBER(18)
 SULYKM                          NOT NULL NUMBER(6,1)
 SULYHA                          NOT NULL NUMBER(6,1)
 NUZAGT                          NOT NULL NUMBER(6,2)
 NUZAGM                          NOT NULL NUMBER(6,2)
 NUZAGH                          NOT NULL NUMBER(6,2)
 TUZAG                           NOT NULL NUMBER(6,2)
 TKENAG                          NOT NULL NUMBER(6,2)
 TOCSE                           NOT NULL NUMBER(6,2)
 TADALAG                         NOT NULL NUMBER(6,2)
 TFUTOAG                         NOT NULL NUMBER(6,2)
 POTLEK                          NOT NULL NUMBER(8,2)
 JSZ                             NOT NULL NUMBER(3)
 DUHI                            NOT NULL NUMBER(5)
 DUHK                            NOT NULL NUMBER(5)
 EJHI                            NOT NULL NUMBER(5)
 EJHK                            NOT NULL NUMBER(5)
 OKTAT                           NOT NULL NUMBER(3)
 BERFEL                          NOT NULL NUMBER(3)
 JAF                                      NUMBER(3)
 MSZJB                           NOT NULL NUMBER(5)
 MSZJK                           NOT NULL NUMBER(5)
 MSZJK_                          NOT NULL NUMBER(5)
 KJORA                           NOT NULL NUMBER(5)
 VEZCS                           NOT NULL NUMBER(5)
 UTASKI                          NOT NULL NUMBER(5)
 ELSZAM                          NOT NULL NUMBER(5)
 TANKOL                          NOT NULL NUMBER(5)
 MSZUNF                          NOT NULL NUMBER(5)
 OSZTPI                          NOT NULL NUMBER(5)
 MSZUN                           NOT NULL NUMBER(5)
 SZAB                            NOT NULL NUMBER(3)
 BET                             NOT NULL NUMBER(3)
 BSZ                             NOT NULL NUMBER(3)
 FCS                             NOT NULL NUMBER(3)
 TSZAM2                          NOT NULL CHAR(12)
 PARTNER                         NOT NULL CHAR(24)
 SAPPM                           NOT NULL CHAR(4)
 TOMB                            NOT NULL NUMBER(3)
 ORAKI_JAR                       NOT NULL NUMBER(3)
 VALTO_FORD                      NOT NULL NUMBER(3)
 ELLEN                           NOT NULL NUMBER(3)
 AFK_1                           NOT NULL NUMBER(5)
 AFV_1                           NOT NULL NUMBER(5)
 AFK_2                           NOT NULL NUMBER(5)
 AFV_2                           NOT NULL NUMBER(5)
 AFK_3                           NOT NULL NUMBER(5)
 AFV_3                           NOT NULL NUMBER(5)
 AFK_4                           NOT NULL NUMBER(5)
 AFV_4                           NOT NULL NUMBER(5)
 AFK_5                           NOT NULL NUMBER(5)
 AFV_5                           NOT NULL NUMBER(5)
 FORGEL                          NOT NULL NUMBER(5)
 JOGSISZAM                                CHAR(40)
 JOGSIKAT                                 CHAR(40)
 JOGSIERV                                 DATE
 NAPIDAT                         NOT NULL DATE
 FLKOD                           NOT NULL CHAR(4)
 ML_ID_OLD                       NOT NULL NUMBER(10)
 INSC                            NOT NULL CHAR(4)
 INSD                            NOT NULL DATE
 UPDC                            NOT NULL CHAR(4)
 UPDD                            NOT NULL DATE
 TOROLVE                         NOT NULL NUMBER(3)

SQL> select   "FRSZ", km       FROM "dbo"."MenMl16"@ohvcont2012    where  "HO"=4
 and "NAP"=4 and FRSZ='AAH208' order by 1,2 ;

FRSZ                KM
------------ ---------
AAH208             201


Here, the real value of KM is 201.8


[Edit MC: add code tags]

[Updated on: Fri, 27 May 2016 03:21] by Moderator

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Re: Data problems using ODBC Gateway [message #651903 is a reply to message #651901] Fri, 27 May 2016 03:20 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Michel Cadot
Messages: 68745
Registered: March 2007
Location: Saint-Maur, France, https...
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Account Moderator

Oracle client 8.0 is incompatible with Oracle database 11.2, you must first upgrade your client.

Please read How to use [code] tags and make your code easier to read.
Re: Data problems using ODBC Gateway [message #651904 is a reply to message #651903] Fri, 27 May 2016 03:23 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Michel Cadot
Messages: 68745
Registered: March 2007
Location: Saint-Maur, France, https...
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Account Moderator

Also post the result of:
select dump(FRSZ), dump(KM) from "dbo"."MenMl16"@ohvcont2012    where  "HO"=4 and "NAP"=4 and FRSZ='AAH208';

Re: Data problems using ODBC Gateway [message #651914 is a reply to message #651904] Fri, 27 May 2016 06:44 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Messages: 9
Registered: May 2016
Location: Hungary
Junior Member
I did it, the result is:

SQL*Plus: Release Production on P. Mßj. 27 13:38:07 2016
Copyright (c) 1982, 2010, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Enter user-name: jarmu/jarmu@volan
Connected to:
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options

SQL> select dump(FRSZ), dump(KM) from "dbo"."MenMl16"@ohvcont2012 where "HO"
=4 and "NAP"=4 and FRSZ='AAH208';



Typ=96 Len=6: 65,65,72,50,48,56
Typ=2 Len=3: 194,3,2

Re: Data problems using ODBC Gateway [message #651955 is a reply to message #651914] Sat, 28 May 2016 03:23 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Michel Cadot
Messages: 68745
Registered: March 2007
Location: Saint-Maur, France, https...
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Account Moderator

What Oracle sees inside the remote table is that the value is 201.
Are you sure you have a decimal part in this column.
For the other column, it is defined as CHAR(12) so it is normal to have 6 blanks after the value "AAH208".

Re: Data problems using ODBC Gateway [message #651973 is a reply to message #651955] Mon, 30 May 2016 02:33 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Messages: 9
Registered: May 2016
Location: Hungary
Junior Member
But, I attached a scrrenshot of an MSSQL manager from an original MSSQL environment, and you can see, that the spacification of FRSZ is CHAR(6), and char(12) is seen only from our Oracle sql environmewnt. But why?

The KM field is number (6,1) and the attachment consists a part, where decimal values can be seen.

And, in our Oracle SQL, the following Select statement shows the real problem:

SQL> select "FRSZ", km,km*10 FROM "dbo"."MenMl16"@ohvcont2012 where "HO"=4 and "NAP"=4 and "FRSZ"='AAH208';

------------ ---------- ----------
AAH208 201 2016


I can't understand it!
Re: Data problems using ODBC Gateway [message #651977 is a reply to message #651973] Mon, 30 May 2016 04:19 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Michel Cadot
Messages: 68745
Registered: March 2007
Location: Saint-Maur, France, https...
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In which character set is stored the data in the remote database (SQL Server one)?
Insert a row in the SQL Server table with FRSZ containing a non basic ascii character (like 'é') and post the result of:
select value from v$nls_parameters where parameter = 'NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS';
select "FRSZ", dump("FRSZ") FROM "dbo"."MenMl16"@ohvcont2012 where <this new row>

Post the result of:
show numwidth numformat

Re: Data problems using ODBC Gateway [message #651981 is a reply to message #651977] Mon, 30 May 2016 07:13 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Messages: 9
Registered: May 2016
Location: Hungary
Junior Member
SQL*Plus: Release Production on Mon May 30 13:45:10 2016
Copyright (c) 1982, 2014, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Enter user-name: jarmu/jarmu@volan
Connected to:
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options

SQL> show numwidth numformat
numwidth 10
numformat ""

SQL> select value from v$nls_parameters where parameter = 'NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS';


SQL> select "FRSZ", dump("FRSZ") FROM "dbo"."MenMl16"@ohvcont2012 where ml_id=8928;

Typ=96 Len=6: 76,225,201,48,57,53
However, the newly inserted non-ascii field looks like the attached .PDF file in the original MS-SQL environment.
Re: Data problems using ODBC Gateway [message #651982 is a reply to message #651981] Mon, 30 May 2016 07:54 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Michel Cadot
Messages: 68745
Registered: March 2007
Location: Saint-Maur, France, https...
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Account Moderator

Please read How to use [code] tags and make your code easier to read.

Now post the result of:
select value from v$nls_parameters where parameter = 'NLS_CHARACTERSET';
select distinct client_charset from v$session_connect_info where nvl(client_charset,'Unknown') != 'Unknown';

Re: Data problems using ODBC Gateway [message #651983 is a reply to message #651982] Mon, 30 May 2016 08:19 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Messages: 9
Registered: May 2016
Location: Hungary
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Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
SQL> select value from v$nls_parameters where parameter = 'NLS_CHARACTERSET';

SQL> select distinct client_charset from v$session_connect_info where nvl(client
_charset,'Unknown') != 'Unknown';

Re: Data problems using ODBC Gateway [message #651984 is a reply to message #651983] Mon, 30 May 2016 10:05 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Michel Cadot
Messages: 68745
Registered: March 2007
Location: Saint-Maur, France, https...
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Account Moderator

Hmm, interesting, post the result of:
set recsep char '-' recsep each
select * from v$session_connect_info 
where nvl(client_charset,'Unknown') != 'Unknown'
  and sid = sys_context('userenv','sid');

And please, third time, read and APPLY How to use [code] tags and make your code easier to read.
Re: Data problems using ODBC Gateway [message #651989 is a reply to message #651984] Tue, 31 May 2016 01:03 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Messages: 9
Registered: May 2016
Location: Hungary
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Connected to:
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options

SQL> set recsep char '-' recsep each;
SP2-0158: unknown SET recsep option "char"

SQL> select * from v$session_connect_info
2 where nvl(client_charset,'Unknown') != 'Unknown'
3 and sid = sys_context('userenv','sid');

---------- ---------- -------------------------- ------------------------------

---------------------------------------- -------------
--------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------
----------------------- ------------
323 1797 DATABASE roman
TCP/IP NT Protocol Adapter for Linux: Version - Production
EE8MSWIN1250 Heterogeneous

---------- ---------- -------------------------- ------------------------------

---------------------------------------- -------------
--------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------
----------------------- ------------
Home-based SQL*PLUS
Client Temp Lob Rfc On 0

---------- ---------- -------------------------- ------------------------------

---------------------------------------- -------------
--------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------
----------------------- ------------
323 1797 DATABASE roman
Oracle Advanced Security: encryption service for Linux: Version - Pro


---------- ---------- -------------------------- ------------------------------

---------------------------------------- -------------
--------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------
----------------------- ------------
EE8MSWIN1250 Heterogeneous
Home-based SQL*PLUS
Client Temp Lob Rfc On 0

---------- ---------- -------------------------- ------------------------------

---------------------------------------- -------------
--------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------
----------------------- ------------

323 1797 DATABASE roman
Oracle Advanced Security: crypto-checksumming service for Linux: Version 11.2.0.

---------- ---------- -------------------------- ------------------------------

---------------------------------------- -------------
--------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------
----------------------- ------------
3.0 - Production
EE8MSWIN1250 Heterogeneous
Home-based SQL*PLUS

---------- ---------- -------------------------- ------------------------------

---------------------------------------- -------------
--------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------
----------------------- ------------
Client Temp Lob Rfc On 0


Thanks for your help.
Re: Data problems using ODBC Gateway [message #651990 is a reply to message #651989] Tue, 31 May 2016 01:07 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Michel Cadot
Messages: 68745
Registered: March 2007
Location: Saint-Maur, France, https...
Senior Member
Account Moderator

Sorry, there is no space between "recsep" and "char":
set recsepchar '-' recsep each

As you refuse to format your post I stop to try to help you, too bad as we are closed to the solution.

Re: Data problems using ODBC Gateway [message #652076 is a reply to message #651990] Wed, 01 June 2016 01:26 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Messages: 9
Registered: May 2016
Location: Hungary
Junior Member
Sorry, I simply posted the SQL response of the command you wrote, I didn't analyze then command, because I don't now it.
Fortunally, the problem has been resolved today morning, as our Oracle administrator set the gateway's parameters to our proper NLS format.
Re: Data problems using ODBC Gateway [message #652090 is a reply to message #652076] Wed, 01 June 2016 06:35 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Messages: 1376
Registered: September 2013
Senior Member
emkk wrote on Wed, 01 June 2016 01:26
Sorry, I simply posted the SQL response of the command you wrote, I didn't analyze then command, because I don't now it.
Fortunally, the problem has been resolved today morning, as our Oracle administrator set the gateway's parameters to our proper NLS format.

Let me offer a little professional advice, from someone who has been in this business over 35 years.
If someone offers you a solution that uses a command (or construct, or syntax, or key word, or whatever) that you "don't know it", the very first thing you should do is look it up in the relevant reference manual and learn as much about it as you can. Only after you have done so should you then try to apply it as suggested by whoever provided it.

As for solving your problem by have the admin set NLS parameters at the gateway .... if that was the solution, then you could have solved it for yourself with proper use of to_char/to_date/to_number functions within your SQL. And doing so would have been the preferable solution, because then you would not be at the mercy of some settings outside of your control. What are you going to do now, it it is discovered that the change at the gateway broke someone else's code?
Re: Data problems using ODBC Gateway [message #652167 is a reply to message #652090] Fri, 03 June 2016 02:58 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Messages: 9
Registered: May 2016
Location: Hungary
Junior Member
I fully admit your advices, naturally, you are right. But let me tell something in excuse of me.

I'm not an Oracle expert or administrator, but work as a programmer over 36 year, and use Oracle Forms&Reports since 2001 succesfully, developing and supplying programs and reports for whole ERP software requirements of a company of 1000 employees, without knowing or using or needing the SET RECSEPCHAR SQL command.
So, repeating that you are right, I will not be ashamed of simply using with copy/paste the command that I've got as a help, instead of analyzing it.

Beleive me, I tried dozens of to_char/to_date/to_number etc. functions, without any result.
And , specially, the gateway was created only and exclusively for me, for my use, so I don't see any risk for other users.

Once again, thank you for every help I got, but I consider this topic closed.
Re: Data problems using ODBC Gateway [message #652174 is a reply to message #652167] Fri, 03 June 2016 06:46 Go to previous message
Messages: 1376
Registered: September 2013
Senior Member
emkk wrote on Fri, 03 June 2016 02:58
I fully admit your advices, naturally, you are right. But let me tell something in excuse of me.

I'm not an Oracle expert or administrator, but work as a programmer over 36 year

If you've been working as a programmer for over 36 years, then checking the docs when you see unfamiliar code should be second nature to you. It has nothing to do with being "an Oracle expert or administrator". It has nothing to do with any specific technology. It has everything to do with fundamental problem solving skills and and on-going desire for continued professional growth.
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