hi all,
i have a block(block_inf) for display or update information of person specific.
for example EMP table that have a filed named Department_id.
i want show Department_name Instead of Department_id and User can edit the department.
i changed type of Department_id Item to ListItem and Poplist.
i create a RecordGroup below and named RG_Depts:
select dept_name,to_char(dept_id)dept_id from department;
and set element list....
also i used this code in When_new_instance_block trigger of block_inf:
declare lv_dep number;
lv_where varchar2(1000);
/*and other codes for execute_query :*/
/*block search is in other canvas and other window*/
lv_where:=' emp_id='||:block_search.emp_srch;
/*block_inf is databased block*/
Now,when showed information of person specific(showed block_inf) Department_name(or department_id) not equals department_name of person specific and it is no value.
but when open list it have list of department name...
[Updated on: Tue, 17 March 2015 03:47]
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