I was in the process of reviewing all the Performance Monitoring tools recommended in MOS 14777599.1. I ran a OSWatcher Analysis.
snippets of analysis file
Archive Start Time: Feb 10 17:52:48 2015
Archive Stop Time: Feb 10 18:09:20 2015
Hostname: ORCL01
OS Version: Linux
Snapshot Freq: 30
WARNING : Network data link errors observed.
Check: Section 7.1 below for more details
WARNING : Network UDP errors observed.
Advise: UDP protocol only relevant for RAC. Ignore for Non-RAC
Advise: Avoid any dropped packets in UDP protocol
Check: UDP socket receive buffer on the local machine too small
Check: The application not reading the data fast enough
Check: Section 7.3 below for more details
# Section 7.1: Network Data Link Findings
# (Only Data Links With Errors Are Reported)
eth0 0 2 0 0 0 0
Data Link Error Times:
Feb 10 18:00:19 2015
from above the above I doubt there's any cause for concern in this section.
# Section 7.3: Network UDP Findings
UDP Errors > 0.02% Packet Receive Errors:
packets received 79113
packets sent 80237
packet receive errors 13
UDP Error Times:
Feb 10 17:53:18 2015
Feb 10 17:55:49 2015
Feb 10 17:56:19 2015
from the individual oswnetstat directory log, I have the following snippet
Feb 10 17:53:18 2015
910927838 packets received
57047 packets to unknown port received.
25461 packet receive errors
897188330 packets sent
RcvbufErrors: 0
SndbufErrors: 0
Feb 10 17:55:49 2015
910935867 packets received
57068 packets to unknown port received.
25467 packet receive errors
897195917 packets sent
RcvbufErrors: 0
SndbufErrors: 0
Feb 10 17:56:19 2015
910938473 packets received
57071 packets to unknown port received.
25472 packet receive errors
897198516 packets sent
RcvbufErrors: 0
SndbufErrors: 0
Should I worry about Network data link errors and Network UDP errors in this case? Of course I've already expressed that I should not worry about Network data link errors earlier, just need to confirm.
If I need to worry about Network UDP errors, what should I do next based on the following:
Check: UDP socket receive buffer on the local machine too small
Check: The application not reading the data fast enough
I doubt that I can do anything to improve the UDP socket receive buffer. Where can I found the application that causes UDP error? I could not found anything from MOS 461053.1 The OSWatcher Analyzer User's Guide regarding how to find the application that is causing problem.
thanks a lot!