just try to take it offline.
If there is any active transaction, by default oracle does not allow you to take the concerned RBS offline.
Anyhow, that IS NOT RECOMENDED. try in a test machine.
this query may help you
SQL> ed
Wrote file afiedt.buf
1 select r.name,
2 l.sid,
3 p.spid,
4 nvl(p.username,'no transaction') username,
5 p.terminal
6 from v$lock l, v$process p, v$rollname r
7 where l.sid = p.pid(+) and
8 trunc(l.id1(+)/65536) = r.usn and
9 l.type(+) = 'TX' and
10 l.lmode(+) = 6
11* order by r.name
SQL> /
------------------------------ ---------- --------- --------------- ----------
PRODR1 no transaction
PRODR10 no transaction
PRODR11 no transaction
PRODR12 no transaction
PRODR2 no transaction
PRODR3 no transaction
PRODR4 no transaction
PRODR5 no transaction
PRODR6 no transaction
PRODR7 no transaction
PRODR8 no transaction
PRODR9 no transaction
SYSTEM no transaction
13 rows selected.