I am getting following error while encrypting the key for Password
Error (-4) retrieving key for key1 in file ENCKEYS: File error opening or reading ENCKEYS
Steps I followed are as following :
set goldengate installation directory as current directory
cd c:\goldengate_dir
c:\keygen 128 4
copied the generated keys to text file and saved the file as ENCKEYS in the same directory i.e. goldengate installation directory
(In my first attempt I did not gave extension to file)
GGSCI (win-srv001) 2> dblogin sourcedb testdsn, userid gg_admin, password gg_admin
2014-08-01 12:23:29 INFO OGG-03036 Database character set identified as windows-1252. Locale: en_US.
2014-08-01 12:23:29 INFO OGG-03037 Session character set identified as windows-1252.
Successfully logged into database.
GGSCI (win-srv001) 3> encrypt password gg_admin encryptkey key1
Password encryption failed...
Error (-4) retrieving key for key1 in file ENCKEYS: File error opening or reading ENCKEYS.
Later I tried saving the file as ENCKEYS.txt as well but all that without any luck!
Note that I logged on as 'Administrator' on the windows server to execute all the above
Any suggestions?
Contents of the ENCKEYS file are as following
key1 0xDC88B96FD0D68C6733C50D5FAF930003
key2 0x3CA4443981BD641E40E1262EE4EB1768
key3 0x9CBFCF0231A43C5550FDEF7C1A442F4D
key4 0xFBDA5A4CE28A140C6209B94B509C4632
Kind Regards