create table mytable (
security_adp_nbr varchar(7) not null ,
div_ann_est_amt decimal(17,8) null ,
record_type_cd char(3) not null ,
action_cd char(1) not null ,
payment_freq_cd char(1) null ,
msd_class1_cd char(1) null ,
msd_class2_cd char(1) null ,
msd_class3_cd char(1) null ,
msd_class4_cd char(1) null ,
msd_class5_cd char(1) null ,
msd_class6_cd char(1) null ,
msd_class7_cd char(1) null ,
country_cd char(2) null ,
currency_cd char(3) null ,
class_industry_cd char(2) null ,
sic_cd char(4) null ,
marginability_cd char(1) null ,
source_pricing_cd char(1) null ,
desc_sec_line1_txt char(30) null ,
taxable_cd char(1) null ,
country_origin_cd char(2) null ,
expiration_dt datetime null ,
royalty_ind char(1) null ,
remic_ind char(1) null ,
reit_ind char(1) null ,
sec_use_ind char(1) null ,
shr_otstd_thou_qty int null ,
earning_share_amt decimal(5,3) null ,
currency_iso_cd char(3) null ,
redenomination_dt datetime null ,
currency_legacy_cd char(3) null ,
curr_legacy_iso_cd char(3) null ,
uts_canadian_cd char(1) null ,
annuity_cd char(1) null ,
swaps_ind char(1) null ,
oats_nasdaq_cd char(1) null ,
rgstr_bond_cd char(1) null ,
foreign_cd char(1) null ,
security_ida_cd char(4) null ,
depository_cd char(4) null ,
trnfr_dptry_cd char(4) null ,
ibm_cd char(6) null ,
mcgill_cd decimal(5,0) null ,
issue_dt datetime null ,
elig_tax_crdt_ind char(1) null ,
tax_credit_rt decimal(5,3) null ,
tax_withold_rt decimal(5,3) null ,
symbol_extended_cd char(18) null ,
dllr_us_trade_ind char(1) null ,
taxable_can_cd char(1) null ,
trnfr_chrg_amt decimal(5,3) null ,
fctr_file_rt decimal(3,2) null ,
qssp_crnt_pct int null ,
qssp_prev_pct int null ,
sector_cd char(5) null ,
updt_last_tmstp DATE DEFAULT '()' NOT NULL
updt_last_tmstp DATE DEFAULT '()' NOT NULL
Error at Command Line:1,716 Column:31
Error report:
SQL Error: ORA-01841: (full) year must be between -4713 and +9999, and not be 0
01841. 00000 - "(full) year must be between -4713 and +9999, and not be 0"
*Cause: Illegal year entered
*Action: Input year in the specified range